Inject Request int Service

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 147

I would like to get instance of Nette\Application\Request to my own service.

But I don't know how can I inject it because everytime I get error message Parameter $name in Nette\Application\Request::__construct() has no class type hint or default value, so its value must be specified

Is there some way how to?

Thank you

Member | 3608

Why do you need that? Pass value from AppRequest in presenter if you really need that.

David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

Application request is not a service (there may be multiple app requests in a single http request), but you can inject Nette\Application\Application and get a current request from there

Member | 147

CZechBoY wrote:

Why do you need that? Pass value from AppRequest in presenter if you really need that.

I need it because I have service for prepare parameters and don't want to write it in presenter :)

Member | 147

David Matějka wrote:

Application request is not a service (there may be multiple app requests in a single http request), but you can inject Nette\Application\Application and get a current request from there

Yes, it works. Thx a lot

David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

I need it because I have service for prepare parameters and don't want to write it in presenter :)

well then may be better to follow @CZechBoY recommendation and pass the current Request object to the method you probably call from a presenter

Member | 147

David Matějka wrote:

I need it because I have service for prepare parameters and don't want to write it in presenter :)

well then may be better to follow @CZechBoY recommendation and pass the current Request object to the method you probably call from a presenter

Ok, I will follow recommendation from @CZechBoY and pass it from a presenter.

Member | 133

You can inject Nette\Http\IRequest without any problems, I'm using it in severalservices, even in AOP…