Dependency issues, Error 500, RobotLoader, Cache.php

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 8

Hi there,
I am not sure this is the right thread for this kind of issue so please, feel free to redirect this to another thread if needed.
My setup: LAMP php 5.6, Apache/2.4.18, Ubuntu 16.04
I am trying to run a nette web app on localhost and at the moment I am experiencing problem with HTTP ERROR 500.
The weird thing is that I cannot find any information in any log file. Neither the project log, neither the /var/log/apache2/access.log or /var/log/apache2/access.log or var/log/syslog. I have no problem with running nette sandbox but when I try to run the app, it crashes with E500.
I was able to trace the problem manualy by die(); function and I ended up in the function load in vendor/nette/caching/src/Caching/Cache.php on the line 97.

92 public function load($key, $fallback = NULL)
93 {
94 	$data = $this->storage->read($this->generateKey($key));
95 	if ($data === NULL && $fallback) {
96 		return $this->save($key, function (& $dependencies) use ($fallback) {
97 			return call_user_func_array($fallback, array(& $dependencies));
98		});
99	}
100	return $data;
101 }

caled from function register from RobotLoader when setting up a configurator in bootstrap.php by lines

	->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/others/')

the path ‘/../vendor/others/’ seems ok.

by die() function I was able to get the value for parameters of the function call_user_func_array:

json_encode( $fallback ) = [{"ignoreDirs":".*, *.old, *.bak, *.tmp, temp","acceptFiles":"*.php, *.php5","autoRebuild":true},"rebuildCallback"]

json_encode( array(& $dependencies) ) = [null]

I have set rights for the project root html as follows:

chown -R www-data.www-data html
chmod -R 755 html
chmod -R 777 html/temp html/log

composer update/composer install finished without any errors.
the error is same for “minimum-stability”: “stable” and “minimum-stability”: “dev” settings in composer.json
I tried to clear both browser and project cache.
I have enabled all possible error reporting in php.ini

Do you know what may cause this issue or how to proceed? I am not able to dive deeper with die() function.

Last edited by ondrejkopicka (2017-07-16 00:52)

Member | 8

Solved on cz forum