Nette\Utils\DateTime as persistent presenter parameter

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 30


I'm trying to use Nette\Utils\DateTime as persistent parameter, but Presenter by default accepts only scalar parameters (described in Czech…na-nette-2-1#… – in short it says “if you want to use array, specify it as default”). So when I try

    /** @persistent */
    public $date;

    public function beforeRender() {

        $this->date = new \DateTime;


I get Value passed to persistent parameter ‘date’ in presenter Order must be scalar, array given., but $this->date is actually instance of DateTime. Anyway I tried to fix it with

    /** @persistent */
    public $date = array();

I got Value passed to persistent parameter ‘date’ in presenter Order must be array, DateTime given.

I also tried many variants of

    /** @persistent */
    public $date = \DateTime;

but it usually results in syntax error or undefined constant…

Is there any way, how could I convince presenter to accept DateTime parameter (@var annotation maybe [not working yet])?

Thank you

Nette 2.4. php 5.6.30.

Member | 3608

Only option is to persistent some scalar value (in this case unix timestamp for example) and store timestamp in the end and on start make datetime from timestamp.