Best Practice for Symfony Console in Nette

Notice: This thread is very old.
Tomáš Votruba
Moderator | 1114

If you use Symfony\Console in Nette, this post will show you best practise how to use it.

Thanks to @FilipProcházka and @Felix

Jan Mikeš
Member | 771

@TomášVotruba @FilipProcházka @Felix awesomeeeeeeeee! Thank you guys! You know why? Because this makes closing of this one simple as … :-)

Last edited by Jan Mikeš (2017-06-08 01:18)

Nette Core | 1245

@JanMikeš Exactly. :-)

Tomáš Votruba
Moderator | 1114

@JanMikeš Nice one, sinchronicity++! I'd love to see some code diffs in PR :P