Common presenter in modules
- pistols
- Member | 26
Hello There, I have these modules in my app
admin, dealer
No there is an customer functionality a did for dealer. it has its presenter
and his templates
So far so good.
Now this CustomerPresenter functionality must be implemented into the admin module as well.
What is the best practice for this? I dont want to just copy the presenter and its templates.
Second thing I tried to move the presenter to a BasePresenters folder and just inherit its code to the presenter in the dealerModule. That worked partialy. It failed on the missing templates.
Thanks you for your suggestions
- dkorpar
- Member | 136
You need to set templates directory as well in BasePresenter…
you can override formatTemplateFiles function which returns array of possible
so something like:
public function formatTemplateFiles()
$locations = parent::formatTemplateFiles();
$locations[] = __DIR__ . "/templates/$this->view.latte";
return $locations;
ps I wrote code here, did not test it, but you get the point :)