nette.ajax.js library is dead (nobody is maintaining it), any solution to that?

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 136

Most of projects use nette.ajax.js, but this repo is completelly dead, nobody maintains it, any chance this becomes part of nette? It's to big issue currently that such an important library for nette is without any support…


Last edited by dkorpar (2017-01-26 10:57)

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8247

any chance this becomes part of nette

You mean that I should have to maintain this repo? Oh :-)

Member | 3608

@dkorpar Do you have some issues?

Member | 395

Pavel Janda wrote:


I think support for nette 2.3 is not necessary (e.g. you can use older release with 2.3 support :)). If you need it, fork the repository and change for yourself.

Last edited by matopeto (2017-01-26 13:04)

Member | 3608

@PavelJanda :-O what news for me… I'm using nette.ajax.js with Nette 2.3 for 1.5 years.

Member | 136

I think it should be somehow supported, if nette is developed this should be to since most of the projects are using it. When you see repo that has issues not being responded at all, pull request not being reviewed or accepted it's kinda bad for whole nette as well.
It's not related to any issues now but to whole project as well. I think VojtěchDobeš does not care any more for that repo at all and it's kinda crucial for Nette framework to have this repo somehow maintained.
I don't care for solution :) Maybe @VojtěchDobeš can add some maintainers or someone from nette to fork it and have it under control so at least issues are responded and good pull requests are accepted…

Last edited by dkorpar (2017-01-26 13:26)

Pavel Kravčík
Member | 1200

IMHO Nette should native support some client-side AJAX. Most people and packages using cool-thing from Vojtěch, but it's getting rusty. So one solution can be transfer it to Nette assets.

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8247

Transfer it to Nette assets means exactly what?

Solution is simple: fork it and start to maintain it. Discuss what can you do for it, not about to whom to throw the ball.

Pavel Kravčík
Member | 1200

Means it will be maintained like netteForms.js by NetteFoundation. So every newcomers will be use ajax in Nette simpler.

Fork doesnt help Nette FW, what was point of dkorpar I guess.

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8247

I'm totally busy with maintenance of my other 25 opensource projects, so thanks, but I am not interested.

Nette Core | 1310

There is Nittro It's alternative for nette ajax web. And @jahudka works on new 2.0 version, that will be online soon.

+ it's jquery free alternative ;) (of course it will work with jquary too)

Pavel Janda
Member | 977

@chemix I didn't know that development of nittro continues. I will look at it!

Problem is, all of ajax examples on nette forum depends on usage of nette.ajax.js. It is the only JS library that implemented nette snippets so far (I know – nittro, right? Hence we should take “so far” as a long-term NOW).

Anyway, anybody who does nette and ajax, does also nette.ajax.js. My opinion is either to create a documentation page with documented capabilities of nette snippets so anyone can write his own “nette.ajax.js” implementation or take nette.ajax.js under wings of nette so all nette users can rely on nette.ajax.js developent.


David Grudl
Nette Core | 8247

create a documentation page with documented capabilities of nette snippets

It is really very simple, see…ery.nette.js.

On AJAX request Nette sends JSON with array snippets where keys are HTML element's ID and values are HTML contents.

On redirects it also sends key redirect with destination URL.

Thats all.

take nette.ajax.js under wings of nette

Please don't use fogging words. Do you mean that I should maintain another library? Why me? Why not you?

Member | 3608

@PavelJanda I think nittro will have some cookbook where migration from nette.ajax.js is documented.
(i think) cookbook is in progress now.

Pavel Janda
Member | 977


  1. I would love to be the maintainer of nette.ajax.js! Only if I were that good frontend developer that I can be proud of my frontend work.
  2. Thanks for the jquery.nette.js example. Also didn't have any idea about this snippet of code.
Member | 71

Hi, Nittro 2.0 has been released this last Saturday and if you don't have too much code already dependent on nette.ajax.js (or if you're starting a project from scratch), it should be pretty easy to switch – please do give it a try :-) the documentation isn't complete yet, but most of the basics are already there (…/nittro/wiki) and of course I'll provide a guide to help with the transition from nette.ajax.js, but I also need people to start actually using Nittro and give me feedback about specific use cases etc.