How to manually render an array of text inputs?
Notice: This thread is very old.
- netteman
- Member | 125
Hi, I have this method
public function createComponentProductForm() {
$form = new Form();
$arr = [1 => "Product A", 2 => "Product B", 3 => "Product C"];
$sub1 = $form->addContainer("product");
foreach($arr as $id => $name){
$sub1->addText($id, $name)
}//end foreach
$form->addSubmit("send", "send");
$form->onSuccess[] = [$this, 'productFormSucceeded'];
return $form;
}//end mtd
And I would like to render the form manually (because I want to add some html code right before the <input> part).
I don't know how to access the array/container product[] in latte so I can use something like
{form productForm}
{foreach $iDontKnowWhatToPutHere as $input}
{label $input}<div>My html</div>{input $input}
When I {dump $form->components} I can see
Nette\ComponentModel\RecursiveComponentIterator #d8d3
product => Nette\Forms\Container #88f6
onValidate => NULL
currentGroup protected => NULL
validated private => NULL
components private => array (3)
1 => Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput #aa24 { ... }
2 => Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput #70c3 { ... }
3 => Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput #a1a8 { ... }
cloning private => NULL
parent private => Nette\Application\UI\Form #d455
name private => "product" (7)
monitors private => array ()
send => Nette\Forms\Controls\SubmitButton #c3f5
_do => Nette\Forms\Controls\HiddenField #dbf7
But I don't know how to access the text inputs.
Thanks :)
- CZechBoY
- Member | 3608
for example
{form producForm}
<tr n:foreach="$form->controls as $input" n:class="$input->required ? required">
<th>{label $input /}</th>
<td>{input $input} <span class=error n:ifcontent>{$input->error}</span></td>
Last edited by CZechBoY (2016-11-12 16:31)
- netteman
- Member | 125
Thank you!
Here's the code that does what I need
public function createComponentProductForm() {
$form = new Form();
$arr = [1 => "Product A", 2 => "Product B", 3 => "Product C"];
$sub1 = $form->addContainer("product");
foreach($arr as $id => $name){
$sub1->addText($id, $name)
}//end foreach
$form->addSubmit("send", "send");
$form->onSuccess[] = [$this, 'productFormSucceeded'];
return $form;
}//end mtd
{form productForm}
{foreach $form[product]->components as $input}
{label $input} - <span>My html</span> - {input $input} <br />
{input send}