Compatibility with NFS v3 filesystem

Notice: This thread is very old.
Vladimir Litovkin
Member | 2


During migration on production servers we encounter problem with page loading (even ones without templates).
Exact error :
Unable to acquire exclusive lock on ‘../temp/cache/Nette.Configurator/Container_fd60615701.php.lock’
Page won't load because production server doesn't have flock. I also haven't found any server requirements on nette docs.

Main question from server administrators is whether is nette compatible with NFS v3 filesystem, if so they have to somehow enable flock for us, if not we'll have to solve it another way (although this one would be much more easier).

Pavel Kravčík
Member | 1196

We had similar problem last year. It happened when we created or edited config.local.neon with bad rights (FTP account). Server “worker” cannot read new config and Apache stop working forever (restart needed). Then our badmin fix it somehow by setting right rights. :) Maybe will help you.

Last edited by Pavel Kravčík (2016-10-05 12:17)

Jan Tvrdík
Nette guru | 2595

@VladimirLitovkin Why do you need to put Nette cache on NFS? There is nothing that would benefit from sharing, NFS will always be slower than local filesystem.

Vladimir Litovkin
Member | 2

Jan Tvrdík wrote:

@VladimirLitovkin Why do you need to put Nette cache on NFS? There is nothing that would benefit from sharing, NFS will always be slower than local filesystem.

I know, right? Btw, forgot to mention, our “app” is api without templates so cache isn't really needed, but problem is that configurator can't inicialize itself so Nette then cant set up something like devnullcache to disable caching.Is there a way to put nette on NFS without it somehow? This wasn't choice on our side of developement.