submit button to disable client (js) validation but not server side validation
Notice: This thread is very old.
- mikeb
- Member | 33
i'm using nette\forms as standalone. i have a ‘save a draft’ submit button
on a form:
$form->addSubmit('Draft', 'Save draft')
suppresses both client side and server
side validation. i want to suppress client side but i still want server side
validation so i can save valid entries in the ‘draft’ and not the
invalid data.
is there a way to do this?
- mikeb
- Member | 33
to answer my own question, this works:
when i build the form server side i check it first:
if(isset($_POST['Draft'])){// draft submit
//... do check and saves here
and then add the save draft button AFTER these checks and before rendering
$form->addSubmit('Draft', 'Save draft')->setValidationScope([]);
there's probably a better way but this works.