Nette Models not mentioned in the documentation index

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 28

The Nette documentation does not mention the use of models. Does this mean that it is recommended to place ORM code within the presenter? If not, can anyone point me to the recommended method of implementing models in my nette application.


Member | 48

ORM is usually added as extension. You can use existing orm and extensions for nette.


Lean Mapper:…er-extension

Nextras orm:…xtras-ormext

Propel, …

Member | 28

Sorry spectator, there might be some confusion. My question is about model files. Are they recommended by Nette or not? There is no mention of them in the documentation. All the database access in the documentation is done via the Presenter.

Jan Tvrdík
Nette guru | 2595

Are they recommended by Nette or not?

Yes, they are. Just as for any other framework.

Member | 10

Yes i can, because i had the same Situation.

I've done this for a JSON Response like this:

A Model Class File in the Folder model named MandatorModel.php


namespace App\Model;

use Nette;
use App\Model;

class MandatorModel extends Nette\Object
	private $database;
	private $session;

	public function __construct(
			Nette\Database\Context $database,
			Nette\Http\Session $session)
		$this->database = $database;
		$this->session = $session;

	* You should use try and catch
	* @param int $id the ID will search the right Record
	* return obj the dataset for Mandator
	public function getMandator($id){
		$data = new \stdClass(); // This Class is the Return Object

			// If database is connected and no Failures throwing
			// Overwrite $data
			$data = $this->database->query("SELECT * FROM mandators WHERE mnd = $id")->fetch();

			if(!$data){ // $data = false because it's empty
				// This will throw a self named Exception (show down the Class MandatorEmptyException)
				// You can add a Number in this Exception for to Proceed further
				throw new MandatorEmptyException("Message",1);
			} else {
				return $data;
		} catch (\PDOException $e) {
			// This Catch Exception will get when PDO-Driver fails
			$data = new \stdClass();
			$data->code = $e->getCode();
			$data->message = $e->getMessage();
			$data->error = true;
			return $data;

Class MandatorEmptyException extends \Exception

The Presenter is Important for the Settings in Head-Content

I've used the BasePresenter and extend them. Like this in MandatorPresenter.php


namespace App\Presenters;

use Nette;
use App\Model;
use Nette\Security\User;

class MandatorPresenter extends BasePresenter

	public $httpRequest;
	public $post;
	private $mnd;

	public function __construct(Model\MandatorManager $mnd, Nette\Http\IRequest $httpRequest) {
		$this->httpRequest = $httpRequest;
		$this->post = $this->httpRequest->getPost();
		$this->mnd = $mnd; // MandatorModel

	/* Set the Actions
	 * Important is Prefix action
	 * and the Parameter must named $id
	 * Actions mustn't have a latte File
	 * @param int $id
	public function actionGet($id){
		$data = new \stdClass(); // send Class $data as JSON Response

		// Call the MandatorModel Function
		$data->mandator = $this->mandator->getMandator($id);


The URI will be like this:
This get the Mandator as JSON Response

Have a lot of Fun!

Thanks the Guys they teached me here!

Last edited by thundervoice (2016-10-22 10:03)

Nette Core | 1304

There is a part in documentation, where the model is mentioned…kstart/model

Member | 3608

@thundervoice btw HttpRequest is already in presenter, you can access it first in startup method.

private $post = [];

public function startup()
	$this->post = $this->getHttpRequest()->getPost();