how to add a site wide menu block to @layout.latte

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 28

I have created a folder under templates called sitemenu.

In that folder I have a file called sitemenu.latte with the following code

{block mainmenu}
main Menu code here

{block usermenu}
user Menu code here

How do I include sitemenu.latte in @layout.latte and conditionally use the different menu blocks?

Last edited by simonjcarr (2016-04-11 19:50)

Member | 59

You can load another template via latte macro. The conditions can be done by the same way something like:

{if $something === "articles"}
   {include 'sidemenu.latte'}
{elseif $something === "homepage"}
Member | 28

@Machy8 Thanks for the response, but that's not quite what I wanted, but… I did solve my issue.

Inside the include file I want to include in my main layout, I """defined""" some blocks.


{define menu1}
My custom menu 1

{define menu2}
My custom menu 2

then inside @layout.latte I added the following code

{includeblock menus/menus.latte}

Now my file with block definitions is included, I can use the defined blocks normally where I want.

{include menu1}

{include menu2}

I hope this helps someone else.

Last edited by simonjcarr (2016-04-11 22:44)

Member | 55

I would probably pass a variable to the sitemenu.latte:

{include 'sidemenu.latte', menu => 'usermenu'}

Then you will have a $menu variable in sidemenu.latte to use.

(wrote in browser only)

Member | 28

As we say in the UK there is more than one way to skin a cat, I think the {define block} method is cleaner though.