Not working macro foreach
Notice: This thread is very old.
- interconn
- Member | 2
I'm feeling like getting crazy: I try to use a foreach-Macro or a foreach-loop
but I can't get the conten I want.
Here my php-Part:
$parameters = ['ticketResponsible' => [['klarname' => 'Person', 'id' => 'Test'],['klarname' => 'Person2', 'id' => 'Test2']]];
$latte->render(ACT_DIR.'/inc/templates/Aufwandsanalyse.latte', $parameters);
And in my template
<select class="form-control">
<option n:foreach="$ticketResponsible as $item" value="{$item->id}">{$item->klarname}</option>
<select class="form-control">
{foreach $ticketResponsible as $item}
<option value="{$item->id}">{$item->klarname}</option>
Both loops generate no output… What am I doing wrong, I'm somehow lost.
Thanks for your help
- interconn
- Member | 2
Good morning,
I'm using Tracy but the warning thrown doesn't help at all. But your comment
on objects did.
Actually it's quite simply:
<option n:foreach="$ticketResponsible as $item" value="{$item[id]}">{$item[klarname]}</option>
did solve the issue.
I expected a simple solution like that but at least for me it was not obviously
explained in the docs.
- CZechBoY
- Member | 3608
@interconn What is not clear in the doc?…
this looks same as your code.