Nette app without cache (No temp folder at all)

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 136

I'm using nette with gearman for my worker app. Once started worker runs for long time (weeks) until it's updated or whatever. Caching configuration and containers for services is not needed because it's only one step more every time I redeploy up I have to delete the cache folder, and since this is script that runs once for a long time (not classic web request/response) there's no real benefit of this.
So my question is what would be the fastest way to avoid this?

Last edited by dkorpar (2016-03-10 12:24)

Luděk Veselý
Member | 29

You can disable caching with DevNullStorage.

Michal Vyšinský
Member | 608

you can use DevNullStorage

I am not completely sure how to do it in config.neon, but something like this should be a way how to avoid creation of ‘temp/cache’ folder completely:

remove ‘cache’ extension in bootstrap.php (before calling $configurator->createContainer()):


register service in configuration neon file to aviod missing service exceptions:

    - Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage

Last edited by Michal Vyšinský (2016-03-10 12:53)

Member | 136

So I've tried with

$container = $configurator->createContainer();


cacheStorage: Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage

but Nette.Configurator folder is still created with container files. Maybe it has to be created, but I want to make sure that at least it will be overwritten on every call?
I'm getting closer to just delete the temp/cache folder on bootstrap.php before creating container, although it's not the best solution

Last edited by dkorpar (2016-03-10 14:30)

Member | 1840

The only good answer is: don't do it, tweak your deploy process instead.

Member | 136

Not sure, basically this is daemon, and after I deploy it it should delete all cache…
then I can only run systemctl restart, after deploy without any concern that something was created between deploy process and restarting daemon …