Where is created $class varicle in presenterFactory.php?
Notice: This thread is very old.
- Jakub Bouček
- Member | 54
Hi, here
in PresenterFactory is on line 36 varible $class
and i still
can't understand, where is filled.
* @param callable function (string $class): IPresenter
public function __construct(callable $factory = NULL)
$this->factory = $factory ?: function ($class) { return new $class; };
It's bug or any class property? Thanks.
- Jan Tvrdík
- Nette guru | 2595
The first $class
is closure parametr declaration and the second
is reading the argument.
Maybe you look for https://github.com/…xtension.php#…
- Jakub Bouček
- Member | 54
OMG i see. I am now feeling little stupid. Thanks :)
Please close topic.
Last edited by Jakub Bouček (2015-12-28 00:14)