StringLoader includeblock

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 36

Hi, is there any possibility to use includeblock from file with StringLoader?
i mean this:

$content = "{includeblock 'file.latte'}";
$template = $this->templateFactory->createTemplate($this);
$latte = $template->getLatte();
$latte->setLoader(new Latte\Loaders\StringLoader());
$out = $latte->renderToString($content, array());
Member | 3608

Why you can't render that template file file.latte?
I think that include another file is impossible without absolute path.

Member | 36

The example is simplified. Let's say that file.latte is some static menu, and I want to use that menu block in pages loaded from database, but not in all of them and I was lazy to do another template for them.
I tried absolute path, with interesting result: the path is printed, but the block is not loaded

Member | 59

Have you tried some conditions in template?

{if $page === "somePage"}
	<div id=myMenu ></div>

Way using loader (not shure if it is the best):

class BasePresenter extends \Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
    protected function createTemplate()
        $template = parent::createTemplate();
        $template->getLatte()->setLoader(new \Path\To\Loader($this));
        return $template;

class YourLoader extends \Latte\Loaders\FileLoader
	public function getContent ($file)
		$content = parent::getContent($file);
		// Some process here - remove block (maybe regular expression?)
		// Return modified file content without the block you want to remove
		return $compiled;

Last edited by Machy8 (2015-12-13 12:30)