configuration of application, how to store it?

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 504

again and again i am developing this thing, where and how you store 1000 and more configuration directives?

bcs of lot of items in this configuration, is good to store it in some hierarchy, the best is tree, so the database is the worse for me and the next reason is that any directive is another type, you need to store

boolean, int, string, array

so store it in rows of database table is not suitable for me, also the columns of database table, bcs of hierarchy, is not the best

in past i tried xml, json, etc. serialized and stored as text in cell of database table

but you need to work with this configuration

1. access to values like

2. set values like
->setConfig(‘’, “ESHOP”)

maybe the neon configuration could be fine, but what about the array?

‘company.bankAccounts[0].number’ = 123456798132

what you use? what is the best practice?

thanks for opinions

Nette Core | 1199

I use neon or key-value database.

Member | 504

thanks, what kind of key-value database?

Member | 1215

You can choose:…lue_database. But very common are redis, memcached, … Both are supported by Nette. Redis through Kdyby/Redis.

Member | 504

i see, thanks, but do you think that because of configuration directives is ok to install another database? another software you need to service, you need to support?

Member | 1

Start Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 2005.
On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
Click Visual C# under Project Types, and then click Console Application under Templates. Name the project ConConfig. By default, Visual C# creates a class that is named Program.

Note In Visual Studio .NET 2003, click Visual C# Projects under Project Types, and then click Console Application under Templates. Name the project ConConfig. By default, Visual C# creates a class that is named Class1.
Make sure that the Solution Explorer window is visible. If it is not visible, press the CTRL+ALT+L key combination.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name, click Add, and then click New Item.
In the Add New Item list, click to select XML File.
In the Name text box, type App.config, and then click Add.

Note In Visual Studio .NET 2003, click Open.
You can use an application configuration file to collect custom application settings that you save in key/value format. You can include <add> elements in the <appSettings> section of an associated configuration file. Each key/value pair has one <add> element. An <add> element has the following format:
<add key=“Key0” value=“0” />
Add an <appSettings> section with <add> elements to the configuration file between the <configuration> and </configuration> tags.

For example, the following configuration file includes an <appSettings> section that specifies three key/value pairs:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?>
<add key=“Key0” value=“0” />
<add key=“Key1” value=“1” />
<add key=“Key2” value=“2” />
In Solution Explorer, double-click Program.cs to display the code window. Add the following statements to your code module.

Note These statements must appear before any other statements in the file.
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
Add a reference to System.Configuration.dll. To do this, follow these steps:
On the Project menu, click Add Reference.
In the Add Reference dialog box, click the .NET tab.
Find and select the Component Name of System.Configuration.
Click OK.
To hold the value from a configuration file key in the <appSettings> section of the configuration file, declare a string variable in the Main section as follows:
string sAttr ;
To retrieve a value for a specified key from the <appSettings> section of the configuration file, use the Get method of the AppSettings property of the ConfigurationManager class. The ConfigurationManager class is in the System.Configuration namespace. When the AppSettings.Get method receives a string input parameter that contains a key, the application retrieves the value that is associated with the key.

The following code retrieves the value for the Key0 attribute from the associated configuration file. The code then places this value in the sAttr string variable. If a key does not exist for this value, nothing is stored in sAttr.
sAttr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(“Key0”);
To display the value that the application retrieves in the Console window, use Console.WriteLine as follows:
Console.WriteLine("The value of Key0 is "+sAttr);
You can use one reference to the AppSettings property to retrieve all the key/value pairs in the<appSettings> section. When you use the AppSettings property, the application returns all associated key/value pairs. These pairs are stored in a NameValueCollection type. The NameValueCollection contains key/value entries for each key that the application retrieves. The NameValueCollection class is in the System.Collections.Specialized namespace.
NameValueCollection sAll ;
sAll = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
The AllKeys property of NameValueCollection references a string array that has an entry for each key that the application retrieves. Use a foreach construction to iterate through the AllKeys array to access each key that the application retrieves. Each key entry in AllKeys is a string data type.

Inside the foreach construction, use Console.WriteLine to display the key and its associated value in the Console window. The current key that the application processes is in “s”. Use this as an index in the sAllNameValueCollection to obtain its associated value.
foreach (string s in sAll.AllKeys)
Console.WriteLine("Key: "+ s + " Value: " + sAll.Get(s));
app.constant(‘myAppConfig’, {ver: ‘1.2.2’, bananas: 6, hammocks: 3, bananaHammocks: true});
This is not a whole lot different from Terry's solution, but constants don't change so they are applied before the other providers. Also, this module can be injected into your config function.


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