Multiple instances of ITranslator
Notice: This thread is very old.
- Etruska
- Member | 25
I have created wrapper class around Kdyby Translator, which allows me to
automatically save not translated expressions into all of the corresponding
.neon files and adds other features. All works well, but I have two services
implementing Nette\Localization\ITranslator – translation.default by
KdybyExtension and mine NeonTranslator. When I try to use IPub/VisualPaginator,
which wants to include ITranslator service, expected exception gets thrown:
Service 'visualPaginator.paginator': Multiple services of type Nette\Localization\ITranslator found: translation.default, 90_App_Model_Translate_NeonTranslator
Is there any way to fix it without altering vendor files?