No route for HTTP request by capitalized first letter
- tomcat4x
- Member | 22
why is there no route when i capitalize the first letter in the presenter part of the url?
http://localhost/…www/homepage is working but http://localhost/…www/Homepage throws a Nette\Application\BadRequestException #404
the only route is:
$router[] = new Route(‘<presenter>/<action>[/<id>]’, ‘Homepage:default’);
So i expected that both calls would redirect me to the homepage presenter. Why not?
Tested with the default sandbox of nette 2.3.7
- Pavel Kravčík
- Member | 1200
David wrote about this here (…o-url-stejne). You can try use translator, article is czech.
Short version with example:
These two URLs arent same! So homepage & Homepage arent same as well. I guess Nette expect small first lette for presenter, otherwise throw exception. You can define custom route like this:
$router[] = new Route(‘Homepage/<action>[/<id>]’, ‘Homepage:default’);
- tomcat4x
- Member | 22
That for an apache these two urls arent the same is clear.
but in nette i thought that <presenter> in routing covers all requests like
http://localhost/homepage, http://localhost/homepage1, http://localhost/homepage2…
regardless of capitalized letters.
But as you say, nette seems to expect all letters uncapitalized. Also hOmepage throws an error.
Last edited by tomcat4x (2015-10-20 16:02)
- Pavel Kravčík
- Member | 1200
You can always implement your own solution. Maybe this help…tion/routing#….
Also I found this…tion/routing#…, so regular should be insensitive (…ute.php.html#…).
But here David wrote about case-sensitive presenters (…sku-citlivka),
then flag lose purpose and mb we need flag CASE_INSENSITIVE
(terrible name:)).
- tomcat4x
- Member | 22
But here David wrote about case-sensitive presenters (…sku-citlivka), then flag lose purpose and mb we need flag
(terrible name:)).
Sorry but i cant speak czech.
I had a look at the source code of router.php and it seems that the flag CASE_SENSITIVE has no more effect. It is depreceated. A flag CASE_INSENSITIVE it not present. So someone should revise the documentation.
in the style array, which is responsible for parsing the pattern <presenter> is following code:
'presenter' => array(
self::PATTERN => '[a-z][a-z0-9.-]*',
self::FILTER_IN => array(__CLASS__, 'path2presenter'),
self::FILTER_OUT => array(__CLASS__, 'presenter2path'),
So capitalized chars wont be matched. The only way is to modify the router.php to somting like that:
'presenter' => array(
self::PATTERN => '[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9.-]*',
self::FILTER_IN => array(__CLASS__, 'path2presenter'),
self::FILTER_OUT => array(__CLASS__, 'presenter2path'),
But because of updates it makes no sense to change a core file of nette. So i have to live with lowercase letters in the url. I was just wondered that i got a no route error. I expected a no presenter error if nette makes a difference between upper and lower case.
- Pavel Kravčík
- Member | 1200
Yeah, I know. But sometimes you can translate article in browser. :)
You can define your own FILTER_IN/OUT at app/router/RouterFactory –
something really simple like strtolower
- so hOmepAge → will be
homepage. And then you get rid off warnings about Case sensitive URL. But best
solution IMHO is using lowercase letters.
- tomcat4x
- Member | 22
Pavel Kravčík wrote:
Yeah, I know. But sometimes you can translate article in browser. :)
You can define your own FILTER_IN/OUT at app/router/RouterFactory – something really simple like
- so hOmepAge → will be homepage. And then you get rid off warnings about Case sensitive URL. But best solution IMHO is using lowercase letters.
FILTER IN/OUT does not work in this case, because the exception is thrown before ther first filter is executed. But i saw in the source code that you can overwrite the pattern in the route definition
$router[] = new Route('<presenter=Homepage>/<action=default>', array(
'presenter' => array(
Route::PATTERN => '[A-Za-z0-9.-]*',
Route::FILTER_IN => function($presenter) {
return ucfirst(strtolower($presenter));
now all presenter calls like hompage, Homepage, HOMEpage … will be processed by the HomepagePresenter.
Last edited by tomcat4x (2015-10-21 18:43)