Why Nette does not escape “<” and “>” characters inside attributes?
Notice: This thread is very old.
- Aurielle
- Member | 1281
Try turning on Nette\Utils\Html::$xhtml
or changing the
template content type, Latte should escape correctly for XML then.
Turn on XHTML mode in config.neon: https://doc.nette.org/en/configuring#…
Last edited by Aurielle (2015-07-25 01:38)
- jkl
- Member | 5
David Grudl wrote:
It is valid in XML.
Try to open this xml in browser:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<val value="<">test</val>
You'll get this error:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 3 at column 13: Unescaped '<' not allowed in attributes values