Nette Framework 2.3.4 & 2.2.10 released
Notice: This thread is very old.
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8229
Nette Framework 2.3.4 has just been released.
- improved coding style
- travis: migrating to container-based infrastructure
- travis: testing with lowest dependencies
- Control: global snippet changed from NULL to \0 to be distinguished from ''
- UIMacros: {snippet} and {snippetArea} without name has name '' in both PHP 5 and PHP 7
- UIMacros: runtime helpers moved to UIRuntime
- ApplicationExtension: missing RobotLoader throws exception
- Database\Helpers::loadFromFile() uses native exec() without logging and creating result set
- Selection: fixed exception namespace
- Forms\Helpers::createSelectBox: added parameter $selected
- ChoiceControl, MultiChoiceControl: added $checkAllowedValues
- ChoiceControl, MultiChoiceControl: renamed ‘range’ to ‘set’ in exception
- Session: session ID is not regenerated when not set
- added Mail\SendException
- Callback::invokeSafe() workaround for HHVM bug…/issues/4625
- Callback::invokeSafe() removes function name from error message
- Random: /dev/urandom is not used on Windows
- PhpWriter, CoreMacros: microoptimizations
- Tracy: support for PHP7 Throwable
- Logger::getExceptionFile() is public
- Bar: live data for previous request are stored in session
- bar.css: added text-shadow reset
For the details you can have a look at the diffs: application, bootstrap, caching, component-model, database, deprecated, di, finder, forms, http, mail, neon, php-generator, reflection, robot-loader, safe-stream, security, tokenizer, utils, latte, tracy.
Nette Framework 2.2.10 has just been released.
- improved coding style
- ErrorPresenter: exception is logged to ‘exception.log’
- Control: global snippet changed from NULL to \0 to be distinguished from ''
- UIMacros: {snippet} and {snippetArea} without name has name '' in both PHP 5 and PHP 7
- Component: attached() is called only once for each object
- Database\Helpers::loadFromFile() uses native exec() without logging and creating result set
- Selection: Related prototype depends on specific cache key
- Table: fixed Selection::getReferencedTable() always refetching when primary is NULL
- Session: session ID is not regenerated when not set
- Http\Helpers: fixed ipMatch() for IPv4
For the details you can have a look at the diffs: application, component-model, database, http, safe-stream, tokenizer, latte.