Nette Framework 2.3.3 released
Notice: This thread is very old.
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8194
Nette Framework 2.3.3 has just been released and is now available for download. Feel free to update!
- Configurator: DecoratorExtension is called after ApplicationExtension to allow decorate presenters
- Component: attached() is called only once for each object
- Database: Selection: Related prototype depends on specific cache key
- DI: ContainerBuilder::removeDefinition() removes definition from $classes
- netteForms.js: works only with Nette forms, fixed toggle in IE < 9
- Checkbox, CheckboxList, RadioList: fixed rendering of <label n:name> and <label n:name />
- Nette\Http\Helpers: fixed bug in ipMatch() for IPv4
- SmtpMailer: improved exception message on write failure
- Nette\Mail\Message: added getAttachments()
- Image::fromString() undeprecated argument $format
- Arrays: added pick() – picks element from the array by key and return its value
- Strings: added after() and before()
For the details you can have a look at the diffs: bootstrap, component-model, database, di, forms, http, mail, utils.
Also, a new version of nette/cache 2.4.0 has been released too.