Quit Jabber room and migrate to Slack or another alternative?

Notice: This thread is very old.
Nette Core | 1310

I read, that Google has a plan to close XMPP protocol. I use it for connection to Jabber-room, and I don't have any other jabber account. What next?

  1. create another account on another jabber server (https://list.jabber.at)
  2. move to another platform :)

I know, it's my problem, that I don't have another “stable” jabber account, but why I have this question is small idea in my mind, that this movement will be step in to the future and open “chat” to another users, countries… maybe

I know Slack is not open source, I don't have idea how it wokrs for opensources, and lots another questins… but?

What do you think?

Member | 121

I think this is a bit premature – so far Google “only” killed GTalk. Some interpret this as Google killing XMPP, but AFAIK Google never announced that it will completely kill XMPP.
You can still use your Google account to connect to the jabber room. Alternatively there are plenty of clients that run in browser and allow you to start chatting instantly.

Filip Procházka
Moderator | 4668

@chemix I would like to read an article about that, because I've seen theese predictions at least a year ago and nothing happened so far.

I'm not against Slack, but I would rather use https://gitter.im, as it's slowly becoming a standard among github projects. Take for example composer. We could add badges to repos and link to doc.

//edit: I've been testing a little and this happened https://github.com/…ine/pull/186

Nette Blogger | 558

Please read this before considering Slack

Last edited by srigi (2015-06-23 09:11)

Filip Procházka
Moderator | 4668

Gitter ftw! Let's do this!

@DavidGrudl can you please open a chat room over nette/nette?

Filip Procházka
Moderator | 4668

@DavidGrudl great! Now we should figure out how moderation works on Gitter. It will be needed sooner or later and we should have people that have the right to kick and/or ban problematic individuals.