how to connect to database?
- milov
- Member | 8
Hi everyone,
I am a beginner, totally in all: php and etc, only know a litle bit html and
css, so be a nice to me..
But, I decided to learn php using nette framework, my hand will dirty and my
brain will explode.
the question is:
I've uploaded nette from local host to subdomain, install, and I see my homepage (congratulation), but I dont know how to do next!
I've done creating database using adminer. But when i tried to connect the database using the tutorial “”.. my page getting error.
here my code:
dsn: ‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=…_…’
user: …_…
password: X......`
and this is my homepage presenter:
namespace App\Presenters;
use Nette;
class HomepagePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
public function __construct(Nette\Database\Context $database)
$this->database = $database;
public function renderDefault()
$this->template->posts = $this->database->table(‘posts’)
->order(‘created_at DESC’)
how to solve it?
- nettolog
- Member | 68
Hello, what is the error? Check bootstrap.php, if you are including both neon configs (local and classic), remove including config.neon. I had the same problem when I first started. In both configs there is a database connection and if one of them fails, error appears.
Try basicly:
//$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon');
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.local.neon');
(but there is a way to auto include right config (if localhost → config.local.neon; else → config.neon)
- milov
- Member | 8
I tried to comment:
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon');
//$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.local.neon');
and put database parameter to config.neon:
dsn: 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=..._...'
user: ..._....
password: *.....*
hello, here is the error:
Server Error
We're sorry! The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please try again later.
error 500
here the subdomain which nette installed:
- nettolog
- Member | 68
Enable tracy so you will see details of error, add/edit this line in the bootstrap.php:
It may look something like this:
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$configurator = new Nette\Configurator;
Now everyone will see errors so use this only for development – on a production server you can enable tracy for specific ip adresses:
$configurator = new Nette\Configurator;
Also it looks that error was successfully logged so you can check “logs” folder. But enable the tracy, it is really good thing for fast debug. :-)
Last edited by nettolog (2015-05-24 14:52)
- milov
- Member | 8
Hello, I dont see anyword PDOException, error says: Nette\MemberAccessException..
I've changed bootstrap.php
$container = $configurator->createContainer();
and now I get:
Undefined variable: container
Last edited by milov (2015-05-24 20:52)
- milov
- Member | 8
hello again,
temp/cache are empty now.
here the tracey says:
Fatal Error
Call to a member function getByType() on a non-object search►
File: /home/arsliter/netteframe/app/bootstrap.php:19
10: $configurator->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../temp');
12: $configurator->createRobotLoader()
13: ->addDirectory(__DIR__)
14: ->register();
16: $configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon');
17: //$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.local.neon');
19: $container->getByType("Nette\Database\Connection");
21: return $container;
the red backgrounded is :
19: $container->getByType("Nette\Database\Connection");
Exception (no red background):
ErrorException #01
message protected => "Call to a member function getByType() on a non-object"
string private => ""
code protected => 0
file protected => "/home/arsliter/netteframe/app/bootstrap.php"
line protected => 19
trace private => array (1)
0 => array (4)
function => "shutdownHandler"
class => "Tracy\Debugger"
type => "::"
args => array ()
previous private => NULL
severity protected => 1
Included files (36)
Configuration options
HTTP request
HTTP response
- milov
- Member | 8
here file from log folder:
[2015-05-24 19-00-13] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: container in /home/arsliter/netteframe/app/bootstrap.php:19 @
[2015-05-24 19-03-53] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: container in /home/arsliter/netteframe/app/bootstrap.php:19 @
[2015-05-24 19-08-22] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: container in /home/arsliter/netteframe/app/bootstrap.php:19 @
and I cant post file (exception.log) because forum system has a limit: Posts cannot be longer that 10000 characters.
many many thanks
- milov
- Member | 8
hello. i put back $container = $configurator->createContainer();
delete cache
and here the result:
Cannot write to an undeclared property
Source file
File: /home/arsliter/netteframe/vendor/nette/utils/src/Utils/ObjectMixin.php:180
171: } elseif (self::hasProperty($class, $name)) { // unsetted property
172: $_this->$name = $value;
174: } elseif (isset($methods[$m = 'set' . $uname])) { // property setter
175: $_this->$m($value);
177: } else { // strict class
178: $type = isset($methods['get' . $uname]) || isset($methods['is' . $uname])
179: ? 'a read-only' : 'an undeclared';
180: throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot write to $type property $class::\$$name.");
181: }
182: }
red b:
180: throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot write to $type property $class::\$$name.");
Call stack
/home/arsliter/netteframe/vendor/nette/utils/src/Utils/Object.php:138 source Nette\Utils\ObjectMixin:: set (arguments)
129: /**
130: * Sets value of a property. Do not call directly.
131: * @param string property name
132: * @param mixed property value
133: * @return void
134: * @throws MemberAccessException if the property is not defined or is read-only
135: */
136: public function __set($name, $value)
137: {
138: ObjectMixin::set($this, $name, $value);
139: }
142: /**
red b:
138: ObjectMixin::set($this, $name, $value);
/home/arsliter/netteframe/app/presenters/HomepagePresenter.php:12 source Nette\Object-> __set (arguments)
3: namespace App\Presenters;
5: use Nette;
8: class HomepagePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
9: {
10: public function __construct(Nette\Database\Context $database)
11: {
12: $this->database = $database;
13: }
14: public function renderDefault()
15: {
16: $this->template->posts = $this->database->table('posts')
red backg:
12: $this->database = $database;
here the next result:
/home/arsliter/netteframe/temp/cache/Nette.Configurator/Container_4c70c1c2ea.php:177 source
App\Presenters\HomepagePresenter-> __construct (arguments)
red backg: /--php
177: $service = new
inner-code Container_4c70c1c2ea-> createServiceApplication__1 ()
/home/arsliter/netteframe/vendor/nette/di/src/DI/Container.php:159 source
call_user_func_array (arguments)
red backg:
177: $service = new App\Presenters\HomepagePresenter($this->getService('database.default.context'));
/home/arsliter/netteframe/vendor/nette/application/src/Bridges/ApplicationDI/PresenterFactoryCallback.php:59 source
Nette\DI\Container-> createService (arguments)
red back:
59: return $this->container->createService($services[0]);
“application.1” (13)
inner-code Nette\Bridges\ApplicationDI\PresenterFactoryCallback-> __invoke
/home/arsliter/netteframe/vendor/nette/application/src/Application/PresenterFactory.php:52 source
call_user_func (arguments)
red back:
52: return call_user_func($this->factory, $this->getPresenterClass($name));
/home/arsliter/netteframe/vendor/nette/application/src/Application/Application.php:146 source
Nette\Application\PresenterFactory-> createPresenter (arguments)
red back:
146: $this->presenter = $this->presenterFactory->createPresenter($request->getPresenterName());
“Homepage” (8)
/home/arsliter/netteframe/vendor/nette/application/src/Application/Application.php:88 source
Nette\Application\Application-> processRequest (arguments)
red back:
88: $this->processRequest($this->createInitialRequest());
…/images/index.php:4 source Nette\Application\Application-> run ()
4: $container->getByType('Nette\Application\Application')->run();
Nette Application
HTTP request
HTTP response
Last edited by milov (2015-05-24 22:19)
- nettolog
- Member | 68
I think you forgot to declare public $database. So edit HomePage presenter like this:
class HomepagePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
public $database;
public function __construct(Nette\Database\Context $database)
Last edited by nettolog (2015-05-24 22:16)