i dont know why the next code works fine on windows but on linux NO
Notice: This thread is very old.
- alnux
- Member | 139
Hi there , i dont know why the next code works fine on windows but on linux show me an FileNotFoundException, you can see it here
protected function beforeRender()
I thought it was for the @ on the route
Layout not found. Missing template '…/app/front/templates/Index/@../../../../common/templates/@layout.latte'
rewrote so formatLayoutTemplateFiles() method
public function formatLayoutTemplateFiles()
$name = $this->getName();
$presenter = substr($name, strrpos(':' . $name, ':'));
$layout = $this->layout ? $this->layout : 'layout';
$dir = dirname($this->getReflection()->getFileName());
$dir = is_dir("$dir/templates") ? $dir : dirname($dir);
$list = array(
"$dir/templates/$presenter/$layout.latte", // i add this line
do {
$list[] = "$dir/templates/@$layout.latte";
$dir = dirname($dir);
} while ($dir && ($name = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, ':'))));
return $list;
but it does not work too, what can be??????
by the way , but when i put the @layout.latte in the corresponding directory and change the code without parent directory
protected function beforeRender()
$this->setLayout('@layout'); //this works
WORKS, but when i trying to put on a parent directory show me the error the pat that i writte on
Last edited by alnux (2015-05-17 04:21)