Nette “europe” tour 2015 (Vienna, Berlin,..?)

Notice: This thread is very old.
Nette Core | 1297

As we all know, we use the best php framework with amazing support in czech language. It’s perfect for czech newbies, but if we want to move Nette out off czech&slovak borders, we need do somethinng with it. ( I would like to practise my english moreee 😉 )

There is two user groups not far far away. The first is Vienna Php and the second is Php user group in Berlin

Let´s talk about a trip to these cities and make a presentation about nette for their visitors. I hope, it will be nice and fun trip with lots of new things for all of us.

Member | 648

Veery nice idea so how can I help somehow? :)

I live in Bratislava som I can join to you on a trip to Vienna and also sometimes I visit Berlin for our project

Last edited by newPOPE (2015-02-04 18:45)

Filip Klimeš
Nette Blogger | 156

So, our little beer talk has become real! :) I'd love to help and participate in Nette “crusade”. I'm not an experienced speaker, but I could write few articles or help someone prepare a presentation in English.

Nette Core | 1297

And… Munich:

Last edited by chemix (2015-02-05 12:53)

Nette Core | 1297

What we need is “one super hero” :-) , who has skils in nette and no afraid of speaking in english on “conference”. The next step is prepare one 30–40min long talk about Nette (2.3, latte, tracy)

The first rule is, we are not in war with symfony and other frameworks.

Vienna is on my shortlist on the first place. We need “team” who are interest and just start.

Member | 118

Hey, just noticed this thread. Great idea, I hope it's not dead. If you want, I'd be willing to present Nette in English. My english is not perfect, but I hope it's good enough – we aren't going to present perfect english, we are going to present perfect framework :) so I want to encourage also other people who are good at Nette, if you can speak in english so others can understand you, lets try it.

So, if the idea still lives, let's make a team and go on.

Maybe the problem is that this thread is well hidden, I must admit I've opened this forum section for the first time today :D

Last edited by amik (2015-09-13 23:09)

Nette Core | 1297

@amik it's not dead, but in this time is priority Nette Pro, then we can start another huge activities like Europe trip.