Nette tester: Out of the box testing server for end-to-end tests

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 313

I currently work on implemntation of testign server which allows you to do end-to-end tests of application. Of course you can use Selenium for this, but it is quite slow and unnecessary for basic tests. My implementation use PHP built in CLI server.

Example usage:


$server = new TestingServer(__DIR__ . "/www/index.php");
$server->getBaseUrl(); // -> http://localhost:8801
$server->getPort(); // -> 8801



Running server handle all requests send to given base url. Port is automatically selected from available ports.

For tests I currently use Guzzle. Example:


$server = new TestingServer(__DIR__ . "/www/index.php");

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

$res = $client->get($server->getBaseUrl() . "/some/url");

Assert::equal(200, $res->getStatusCode());
Assert::contains("something", $res->getBody());



I also created custom ClientTestCase which combine this to simplify this to:


class ExampleTest extends ClientTestCase {

  public function getScript() {
    return __DIR__."/../www/index.php";

  public function testShow() {
    $response = $this->get("test/show");
    Assert::equal(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    Assert::contains("something", (string)$response->getBody());



Any interest to make this part of Nette tester or stand alone extension? I found it post useful for REST API testing.

Last edited by mystik (2015-01-23 15:29)

Nette Core | 1283

This is useful thing, not only for the API tests. It is handy for streams or cURL wrappers tests. I'm using a very similiar approach to test my Http client (not published yet). @DavidGrudl opened a related PR (…ter/pull/141) already.

Jan Endel
Member | 1016

Nice, but do you hear about Codeception? It`s look pretty similiar.

Last edited by Jan Endel (2015-01-23 17:06)

Filip Procházka
Moderator | 4668

I've written my own (naive wrapper around native PHP http server) HttpServer, also using it to testing. It's very useful indeed :)

But I would love to see yours!

Last edited by Filip Procházka (2015-01-23 21:10)

Member | 2118

Not only it looks similar, Codeception actually uses Guzzle internally.

Member | 313

@FilipProcházka Well my implementation looks quite simillar :-) But I will make it ready for publishing and you can look at it if you like.

Nette Core | 1283

Here is an another simple HTTP server for tests which I'm using for testing the HTTP clients.

Member | 313

@FilipProcházka My implementation is here:…ddcc195036da