What's the right way to instantiate router in config?
- JirkaChadima
- Member | 5
after upgrading to Nette 2.1 I keep getting the following error:
PHP User Deprecated: Passing factories to Nette\DI\Container::addService() is deprecated; pass the object itself.
It's obviously caused by the following part of config.neon:
create: \MyRouter::createRouter
What's the proper way of handling this? Even sandbox uses static factory to create Router. If it's the recommended way, why does it fire the User Deprecated error? It's really confusing.
- Tomáš Kolinger
- Member | 136
try replace “factory” with “class” or use short-annotation, see https://github.com/…/config.neon#L27
Last edited by Tomáš Kolinger (2015-01-13 09:51)
- JirkaChadima
- Member | 5
When i use class
, services are not instantiated at all. Short
version works, but the original error is still there.
- JirkaChadima
- Member | 5
OK, my bad. It was actually triggered by httRequest substitute used in cli execution which was defined as a Closure.