How to change label/control order for Radio/Checkbox form elements?
Notice: This thread is very old.
- MagNet
- Member | 1
I would like to use CSS styling on a radio selection element in a form to make
the radios look like this:…-background/
The problem is however that nette renders HTML for radios like this:
<label for = "...">
<input ...>
Therefore, I cannot use a CSS selector to style the label based on the input state (checked, unchecked) as CSS doesn't go back…
So the order I need is this:
<input ...>
<label for = "...">
Is this doable somehow? Thanks.
- Pavel Janda
- Member | 977
You can always render the form manually:
<label n:name="my_input"></label>
<input n:name="my_input">
- Pavel Kravčík
- Member | 1200
I belive you can force old way to render it by put :
input name.
{label checkbox:}
{input checkbox:}
I don't try it in new Nette version.