Laravel vs. Nette – What's the difference really?

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Member | 27

Can someone explain to me the main differences between these 2 FW's ?

So far i came only to conclusion that formulating querry to google for is MUCH more easier done in english than in czech. Therefore if i want to learn something, I would go with Laravel or any other FW that's in EN language.

I'm no PHP guru so I'm asking you guys, to prove me wrong so i don't need to go for other framework…the jabber forum is not really so active as you present it to be, so i came to conclusion that “if you don't speak czech you're f****d”


One more question for you guys. Do you plan to make some video crash course for nette like the ones on Treehouse academy or Codeschool ? I think that's really a great way to push nette outside CZ.

Last edited by TheOtherGuy (2014-08-14 00:07)

Nette Blogger | 558

The biggest difference is that Nette is missing the-person that pushes framework across the Czech borders. By my humble opinion Nette is at least one year ahead of Laravel, but english speaking outside the ČR community is pure zero.

Member | 620

no it's not. i know some armenians who code in nette :D

Member | 118

Well, I use Nette for about 5 years. Recently, I looked into some examples with Laravel and the first thing that scared me off was that Laravel has absolutely no sign of dependency injection, which is by me one of the best practices in modern programming. Laravel uses static classes for almost everything, which may be suitable for beginners just confused by OOP, but barely interesting for professional programmers.

Member | 648

The problem of Nette is not in language I think. But, if we compare Laravel and Nette features, Laravel wins. So if you need ORM, CLI, Queues, REST, Flysystem (filesystems), and others (implemented) features just use Laravel for next project. Yes, Nette also has some of that components but you must know which are good for you and finding of these informations cost of time (do you have it?)

And the win win (and more wins) solution for you is just know about features of most PHP frameworks.

@amik Laravel uses static classes in facades, it has DI under the hood.

Pavel Janda
Member | 977

newPOPE wrote:

The problem of Nette is not in language I think. But, if we compare Laravel and Nette features, Laravel wins. So if you need ORM, CLI, Queues, REST, Flysystem (filesystems), and others (implemented) features just use Laravel for next project.

Of course problem is in language. And of course problem is in these “addons”. Most (or many) of Nette addons have czech documentation, were introduced on some meeting in Prague and are discussed on czech forum..

English Nette Framework documentation could be enough, but people say “it can not do enything, no ORM, no CLI, no REST, …” and they are partialy right.

Maybe the czech forum should be marked as @deprecated and continue only in english.

Last edited by Pavel Janda (2016-01-08 12:04)