Checking if a file has been uploaded
- ddx
- Member | 2
Hi, here's one super trivial question. I'm slowly growing more confident with Nette but this struck me:
I have an add/edit form in my admin module for editing products and there is one optional file upload for images.
public function createComponentAddEditForm()
$form = new Form();
$form->addText('name', 'Name');
$form->addUpload('main_img', 'Main img')
$form->addSubmit('send', 'Send!');
$form->onSuccess[] = array($this, 'processProductForm');
return $form;
Everything works as it should when I specify file to upload, but when I'm only editing other fields and I want to leave the image unchanged, it always overwrites it with a new upload (even when empty).
Now I check the file after uploading using isOk() method
$file = $values['main_img'];
if ($file->isOk()) {
// Doing stuff
which apparently returns true
even if the file is empty.
However, I found a method isFilled()
class, which should do the
trick. But where do I call this function? In the
function? That looks ugly and out of
place. And when I do, I check if the field was left blank and then what? Where
and how do I pass the information further?
EDIT: My bad. The function isOk()
correctly returns false, so there's no need for hacking the app into using
anything else. The issue in my case was that if there's no file selected for
upload, the form field would just return an empty string that gets written into
the database, overwriting the path for an original image, which I've taken care
of already.
Last edited by ddx (2014-07-13 20:38)