Warning on Nette\Latte\MacroTokens
Notice: This thread is very old.
- alnux
- Member | 139
Ok, i just install kdyby translator and i had the
and i think the new nette framework (2.2.1) change the Nette\Latte\MacroTokens to Latte\MacroTokens so i just edit the LatteExtractor.php kdyby file (Nette\vendor\kdyby\translation\src\Kdyby\Translation\Extractors\LatteExtractor.php) on line 15 and 16
replacecing to this
and deleting 23 to 25 lines.
- Filip Procházka
- Moderator | 4668
Just try development version (master), I'm using it with 2.2 and it works.
<ot>And next time you might wanna open question here </ot>
Last edited by Filip Procházka (2014-06-16 12:27)