There are missing some English translation in forum
Notice: This thread is very old.
- HejTi
- Member | 23
There are missing some English translation in forum, like
<ul class="bblinks">
<li>Reportujete-li chybu, <strong>uveďte verzi a číslo revize.</strong> Použijte standardní, <strong>nikoliv "minified" verzi.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Hledejte</strong> než položíte dotaz – možná se ptáte na něco, na co se ptal už někdo jiný.</li>
<li><strong>FORMÁTUJTE zdrojový kód</strong> <a href="viewtopic.php?id=831#p3581">podle návodu</a>. Povolené jsou HTML značky <ins> a <del>, lze používat <a href="">Texy! syntax</a>. Příklad syntaxe:
<samp title="převede se na odkaz">"text odkazu":odkaz</samp>, <b title="zdůrazněný text">**tučně**</b>, <em title="zvýraznění">*kurzíva*</em>, <samp title="označuje části kódu">`code`</samp>.
PHP kód uzavírejte do <code title="označuje víceřádkový PHP kód"><?php ... ?></code> a JavaScript do <code title="označuje víceřádkový JavaScript"><script> ... </script></code></li>
It should be like this:
<ul class="bblinks">
<li>If you report a bug, please <strong>provide the version and number of refision.</strong> Use the standard, <strong>not the "minified" version.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Search</strong> before asking – maybe there was somebody asking similar question yet.</li>
<li>Please, <strong>format the source code</strong> <a href="viewtopic.php?id=831#p3581">according to this instructions</a>. There are html tags <ins> a <del> allowed. You can use the <a href="">Texy! syntax</a>. Examples:
<samp title="transform to link">"text of the link":url</samp>, <b title="highlight the text">**bold**</b>, <em title="emphasize the text">*kurzíva*</em>, <samp title="indicate parts of code">`code`</samp>.
Please PHP source code surround with tags <code title="indicate multiline PHP source code"><?php ... ?></code> and JavaScript with <code title="indicate multipleline JavaScript source code"><script> ... </script></code></li>
Can somebody correct my English in this source code, please?
- redhead
- Member | 1313
I think it's better not to translate word by word:
<ul class="bblinks">
<li>If you want to report a bug, please <strong>provide version and revision number.</strong> Use the standard, <strong>not "minified" version.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Search</strong> before asking – somebody may have already asked a similar question.</li>
<li>Please, <strong>format the source code</strong> <a href="viewtopic.php?id=831#p3581">according to this convention</a>. Html tags <ins> and <del> are allowed. You can use the <a href="">Texy! syntax</a>. Examples:
<samp title="transform to link">"text of the link":url</samp>, <b title="highlight the text">**bold**</b>, <em title="emphasize the text">*italic*</em>, <samp title="indicate parts of code">`code`</samp>.
Surround a PHP source code with <code title="indicate multiline PHP source code"><?php ... ?></code> tags and a JavaScript code with <code title="indicate multipleline JavaScript source code"><script> ... </script></code></li>