Nette Framework 2.0.4 released!

Notice: This thread is very old.
David Grudl
Nette Core | 8228

Nette Framework 2.0.4 has just been released and is now available for download. Feel free to update. It contains a lot of minor improvements and bug fixes contributed by 22 authors.


  • Database: added support for foreign keys in PostgreSQL driver
  • Added support for getting public methods as Closure in PHP >= 5.3. ($this->formSubmitted)
  • Route: slash is not converted to %2F
  • Presenter: directory 'templates' may be located inside presenter's directory
  • Nette sandbox becomes a Composer package.


  • Presenter: fixed array-to-string conversion errors in PHP 5.4
  • Fixes and improvements in Neon and Latte syntax.
  • Improved error messages in Presenter, Latte, DI Container.
  • Contains Adminer 3.4.0 with new Nette skin (looks like API doc)

For the details about the changes you can have a look at the Github diff.

Patrik Votoček
Member | 2221

If you wanna install Nette sandbox via composer use this command:

composer create-project nette/sandbox yourProjectName 2.0.4

and replace /Nette/loader.php with /autoload.php in your yourProjectName/app/bootstrap.php.

Last edited by Patrik Votoček (2012-07-31 01:45)

Member | 27

Btw, if you use composer /autoload.php instead of /Nette/loader.php, do not forget to delete LIBS_DIR from robotLoader. (Prevent to multiloading “libs” dir by Nette/robotLoader and composer/autoloading too.)