Where should be documentation?

Notice: This thread is very old.
Honza Kuchař
Member | 1662

Hello guys!

I'm quite out for now, however I'm back and I've found that I do not know where the most current documentation is.

For example Tracy: I've opened documention main page and searched for Tracy: https://doc.nette.org/en/ (no results) Than I've found debugging, opened it there is Google Translated page?

I gave that a second try, project is now divided into smaller pieces and they are on Github. Opened this link: https://github.com/nette/tracy and found nice and clear documentation in English, and the same here: http://nette.github.io/tracy/.

So the question is – where should be documentation of the framework? It looks like Nette has quite nice documentation however it is quite hard to find it. It should be really nice to have documentation connected with API. Just to connect what Nette already have together. (e.g.: Ext.chart.Chart, btw they have written documentation directly in code, and they use JSDuck) Isn't that wonderful?

Nette Core | 1283

Nette has been splitted to Components recently and issues with documentation/API hasn't been solved yet. The most actual documentation is for stable Nette 2.1 https://doc.nette.org/en/.