BOGUS – a bug in conventional / related()
Notice: This thread is very old.
- petr.pavel
- Member | 535
EDIT: It occurred to me to delete database cache and that made the malformed query go away.
Original post:
When using conventional reflection, a wrong query is built for related() call.
$event = $context->table('event')->get(2);
0.270 explain
FROM `event`
WHERE (`event`.`id` = 2)
SELECT `id`, `event_id`, `Nette`\`Database`\`Table`\`ActiveRow``table_id`
FROM `question`
WHERE (`question`.`event_id` IN (2))
0.270 explain
FROM `question`
WHERE (`question`.`event_id` IN (2))
Yes, one get() and one related-fetchAll produces three queries, a correct query follows a malformed one.
Nette Framework 2.1.2 (revision 8065ce5 released on 2014–03–17)
Last edited by petr.pavel (2014-04-10 11:38)