How do I make a route use a parameter value from the current url when building a link to the same presenter?
- petr.pavel
- Member | 535
My application serves both desktop and mobile version of a website, for both the server and my workstation (fake tld .pp).
I define routes for the mobile version with the server name (routing-test.pp / in this case). When generating a link to another action of the same presenter, I expected the parameter <domain> to be taken from the current request, just as with the presenter name.
It's not the case though. I only get a match on my route when I provide the domain value specifically.
Can anyone explain to me how I could achieve what I want, or at least why the current behaviour is correct and not a bug?
I tried to replicate with the dev version but I failed to make my test app work (something error with IRouter).
public function createRouter() {
$router = new RouteList();
$router[] = $moduleRouter = new RouteList('Mobile');
$moduleRouter[] = new Route("//routing-test.<domain>/bg[/<id>]", 'Page:bg');
$moduleRouter[] = new Route("//routing-test.<domain>/", 'Page:default'); // home page
return $router;
public function renderDefault() {
// ------------------------------------------------------
print $this->link(':Mobile:Page:bg', array('id' => 1, 'domain' => 'pp')).'<br>'; // works
print $this->link(':Mobile:Page:bg', array('id' => 1)).'<br>'; // no route found
public function renderBg($id) {
// ------------------------------------------------------
Nette Framework 2.0.13 (revision 695f643 released on 2013–11–05)
Last edited by petr.pavel (2013-12-03 13:43)
- petr.pavel
- Member | 535
I confirm that adding a persistent $domain parameter to my presenter removes the necessity to pass domain to links manually. Thanks.
* @persistent
public $domain;
I somehow thought that parameters extracted from the domain name would be
preserved automatically because well, that's what we always want, right?
But I understand now that they're treated no different from parameters
extracted from the path ($id in my case).
- Quinix
- Member | 108
Just FYI, in dev Nette, there are special parameters for this routes – %basePath%, %domain%, %tld% – which are automatically added to links, so there is no longer need for this workaround.