Routing rules for static like filenames (<filename>.html)
Notice: This thread is very old.
- tr.
- Member | 79
Hi there,
I'm trying to develop a CMS. Users will get dynamic website with one or more
pages on own domain. The website will be generate by just one Nette Presenter.
I have here three renderers one for pages themselfs, one for a css file and one
for images. How can I set a routing rules up?
- URL for website: [<subdomain.>]<domain>/<filename>.html
- URL for images: [<subdomain.>]domain/img/<filename>
- URL for a style: [<subdomain.>]domain/css/style.css
- renderDefault($subdomain, $domain, $filename) //ie. index
- renderImage($subdomain, $domain, $filename) //ie. my.png
- renderStyle($subdomain, $domain)
How exactly should route rules look like?
Thank you for an advice.
- hrach
- Member | 1838
$container->router[] = new Route('//[<submdomain>.]<domain>/css/style.css', 'YourPresenter:style');
$container->router[] = new Route('//[<submdomain>.]<domain>/img/<filename>', 'YourPresenter:image');
$container->router[] = new Route('//[<submdomain>.]<domain>/<filename>.html', 'YourPresenter:default');
$container->router[] = new Route('//[<submdomain>.]<domain>', 'YourPresenter:default');
Something like this… I havn't tested it. For inspiration see tests: