How to pass parameters from Router FILTER_IN function into Presenter?

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Member | 5

Hi there, would somebody help me with this please?
I am using FILTER_IN function in Router to look in database for a presenter related to current URL.
For example: is treated by presenter – category. There are other information also stored in the database (like Title, Description of page – all managed by users) what I’d like to pass into Presenter – category.
Then at the end I need to access the original some-category to perform FILTER_OUT function.

Can you please advice where and how to store such data?
Many thanks for your help!

Router with FILTER_IN function Process


 * Router factory.
class RouterFactory

	/** @var Model\Process */
	private $process;

	public function __construct(Model\Process $process)
		$this->process= $process;

	 * @return \Nette\Application\IRouter
	public function createRouter()
		$router = new RouteList();
		$router[] = new Route('<presenter>[/<action>][/<id>]', array(
			'presenter' => array(

				Route::FILTER_IN => callback($this->process, 'getpresin'),
				Route::FILTER_OUT => callback($this->process, 'getpresout')
			'action' => 'default',
			'id' => NULL,

		$router[] = new Route('<presenter>/<action>[/<id>]', 'Homepage:default');

		return $router;


FILTER_IN function ‚getpresin‘ is reading database ‘process’ to obtain presenter – ‘ProcessPres’ and this is returned back to router. Works fine.

In the method – ‘getpresin’ I need to save somewhere other information from ‘process’ file like ‘ProcessPres’, ‘ProcessTitle', 'ProcessDesc’… to be able to access it in presenter.

And finally at the end I need to have again original ‘ProcessPres’ value available in FILTER_OUT function – ‘getpresout’ – to be able to route back to /some-category/


class Process extends Nette\Object

	/** @var Nette\Database\Context */
    private $database;

    public function __construct(Nette\Database\Context $database)
        $this->database = $database;

	// Get Presenter from DB----------------------------------------------------------
		public function getpresin ($dir) {

		$datavar = $this->database->query('SELECT ProcessPres, ProcessDirTxt, ProcessTitle, ProcessDesc FROM process WHERE ProcessDir1= ?  LIMIT 1', $dir);

		$row = $datavar->fetch();
		$pres = $row["ProcessPres"];

		// Where and how to store $row to be able to acces it in presenter and also in FILTER_OUT function getpresout?;

	return $pres;

	// Get Presenter to call from DB----------------------------------------------------------
		public function getpresout ($dir) {

		//return the original “some-category” into  $pres

	return $pres;

Member | 535

Calls to FILTER_IN and FILTER_OUT must work independently. You can't assume FILTER_IN will be called before FILTER_OUT. Think of a link in a page. No FILTER_IN, just FILTER_OUT. (I hope I'm not confusing the two.)

What info do you need in your FILTER_OUT function?

As for accessing a db result fetched in FILTER_IN also in presenter:

  • Define method getById() in say, ProcessModel class.
  • Implement caching into getById() (e.g. using a static variable / array with id as the index).
  • Use $processModel->getById() in both your FILTER_IN function and the presenter.
Member | 5

Many thanks petr.pavel, static variable works just fine.

I also got your point in regards to independent FILTER_IN / FILTER_OUT. Links in template are just translated via FILTER_OUT. It is now perfectly clear.

Great answer. Thanks again