block inside if condition
Notice: This thread is very old.
- smutko8882
- Member | 4
Is there some problem to put {block} inside {if} condition ? if the condition is true everything works and the block body is replaced with the @bodySecure.latte but if the condition is false my page disappears instead of use @layout.latte and other blocks. Am I missing something?
{layout '@layout.latte'}
{? $title = $page->$title_col}
{? $description = $page->$description_col}
{? $keywords = $page->$keywords_col}
{if 1==2}
{block #body}
{include '@bodySecure.latte'}
{block #content}
<div n:foreach="$flashes as $flash" class="flash {$flash->type}">{$flash->message}</div>
{block #pageHeader}
<div class="capacity-header">{$page->$header_col}</div>
{block #pageContent}{/block}
<div class="clear"></div>