Clear persistent parameter in form action

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Member | 12

Hi there!

I am trying to get VisualPaginator work with my search form. I (searched forum and) added persistent param $query to presenter which is holding searched string across pages and VP works pretty well now. I use AJAX to switch pages and it's Okay too.

Now I want to make URLs more friendly and strip off $query param where it's not needed (= everywhere but paginator). It's a bit anoying to add “query=>NULL” into every link leading to same presenter. I didn't find any other solution :-/, but OK … it works.

Only problem is in search form's action. First search is ok, there were NULL value in persistent param, URL is OK:


but when I submit search again I can see $query param is in URL and I don't know how to strip it out:


I have tried some ways like force form action:

    protected function createComponentSearchProfileForm(){
        $form = new Form();

        $form->setAction($this->link("this", array("query" => NULL)));

        $form->addText("name", "Name or e-mail:");

        $form->addSubmit("search", "Hledej!");

        $form->onSuccess[] = $this->searchProfileFormSent;

        return $form;

    public function searchProfileFormSent(Form $form){
        $val = $form->getValues();

        $this->query = $val->name;

but even if dumped value is OK “/profile/search”, after submitting search form there is still $query param in URL.

I tried to search source code with no success … I don't even know which method is rendering form :-(.

Please can you give me any clue?

Member | 1215

I would say, that the $form->setAction is unnecessary. I guess, You can set persistent param NULL like this:

/** @persistent */
public $query;

    protected function createComponentSearchProfileForm(){
        $form = new Form();

	// Now query is null
	$this->query = null;

        $form->addText("name", "Name or e-mail:");

        $form->addSubmit("search", "Hledej!");

        $form->onSuccess[] = $this->searchProfileFormSent;

        return $form;

    public function searchProfileFormSent(Form $form){
        $val = $form->getValues();

        $this->query = $val->name;

You will have your persistent param null, until you will send form and $val->name in $this->query after form sending.

Im not sure, if you can invalidate this form component. I guess yes, because if you invalidate it, you will send it again and $this->query will be reset but im not sure.

Member | 12

Thanks for replay, but it didn't help.

I don't send form via AJAX, searching is post request and page changing is handled by JavaScript. I'm invalidating just data and paginator (in separated snippets due to different redraw style).

    public function renderSearch(){
            $pg = $this["paginator"]->getPaginator();

            $this->template->searchUsers = $this->profileModel->searchUser($this->query, $pg->getLength(), $pg->getOffset());


When I set $this->query to NULL in form factory, it would be rewritten when I am handling POST. Also I need it while rendering due to correct paginator links.

Member | 1215

I implement searching like this:

//search is component
class Search extends UI\Control

	public function createComponentSearchForm()
		$form->onSuccess[] = callback($this, 'searchFormSubmitted');
		return $form;

	public function searchFormSubmitted(UI\Form $form)
		$this->getPresenter()->redirect('Search:detail', $form->values->search);

// Presenter for searching
private $slug;

public function __construct(\SearchModel $searchM) {
	$this->searchModel = $searchM;

public function renderDetail($slug = null)
	$this->template->searchResults = $this->searchModel->doSearch($slug);

So i guess, it can work like this:

public function createComponentSearchPaginator()
	return $paginator;

public function renderDetail($slug = null)
	if ($slug != null)
		$pg = $this["paginator"]->getPaginator();
		$this->template->searchUsers = $this->profileModel->searchUser($slug, $pg->getLength(), $pg->getOffset());


in template, you can have just something like this:

{snippet searchUsers}
{foreach $searchUsers as $searchUser}
	<a n:href="SomePresenter:detail $searchUser->id">{$searchUser->name}</a>
{control searchPaginator}

I hope, it can help you.

Member | 12

Great idea. Thanks!

I just added redirect at the end of form handling method:

    public function searchProfileFormSent(Form $form){
        $val = $form->getValues();

        $this->query = $val->name;


Thank you very much Oli :-)