Debugger bar doesn't show routes and queries

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 2


I use Nette 2.0RC on Apache 2.2.20 with PHP 5.3.6 (Ubuntu). Framework seems to work fine and requirement checker complains only about missing support for bundled GD.

I've found out that debugger bar is supposed to show also routes in use and database queries. But it doesn't. It shows only time and memory use. What could be wrong?


David Grudl
Nette Core | 8229

Try to enable Debugger this way.

Member | 2

I've updated Nette to 2.0stable so I use same bootstrap.php you mentioned. I've also added line


Now, debug bar shows routes and identities but still no DB queries. Is it meant to be like that? Or did I forget on something?

Jan Tvrdík
Nette guru | 2595

What library do you use for communication with database?

Member | 153

Same problem here. I use Nette\Database and after upgrade to 2.0 stable queries and routes disappeared.

Enabling debugger “this way” did not help.

Setting configurator in development mode surely displays routes but feels pretty redundant to Debugger::enable(Debugger::DEVELOPMENT) which is turn feels messy considering this way of enabling Debugger. But there needs to be both of them because $configurator->setProductionMode(FALSE) does not show debugger bar.

Last edited by josef.sabl (2012-03-08 16:09)