How to submit form? (Callback is not executed)

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 331

I have troubles with creating login form. I looked into examples, made similar thingy, but it doesn't work – callback is not executed, and can't figure out why. (I'm new to 2.0)


    public function loginFormSubmitted (Form $form)
        $conf = $this->getContext()->params;
        if (!isset($conf['admin']['username'], $conf['admin']['password'])) {
            $this->flashMessage('uživatelské jméno nebo heslo nejsou nastaveny', 'error');

        try {
        } catch (Nette\Security\AuthenticationException $e) {
            $this->flashMessage('neplatné přihlašovací údaje', 'error');

    public function createComponentLoginForm ()
        $form = new Form();

        $form->addText('in_username', 'uživatel')
            ->setRequired('zadejte uživatelské jméno');

        $form->addPassword('in_password', 'heslo')
            ->setRequired('zadejte heslo');

        $form->addSubmit('btn_ok', 'Ok');

        $form->onSuccess[] = new Nette\Callback($this, 'loginFormSubmitted');
        return $form;


{control loginForm}

I also tried callback() function, or assign array() as in old Nette. Also tried onSubmit but no luck. What am I missing?

Also I noticed, that form HTML is:

<form action="" method="post" id="frm-">

And another thing, which looks strange – despite I defined message for filling form input (in czech), I get default message in English… bit confusing.

Nette Framework 2.0-beta (revision f38d86f released on 2011–08–24)

Member | 561

Maybe you are using Nette\Forms\Form instead of Nette\Application\UI\Form.

Moderator | 4668

Authenticating doesn't work that way..

class AdminAuthenticator extends Nette\object implements Nette\Security\IAuthenticator
	private $adminCredentials = array();

	public function __construct(array $adminCredentials)
		$this->adminCredentials = $adminCredentials;

	public function authenticate(array $credentials)
		if (!$this->usernameEquals($credentials[self::USERNAME])) {
			throw new Nette\Security\AuthenticationException;

		if (!$this->passwordEquals($credentials[self::PASSWORD])) {
			throw new Nette\Security\AuthenticationException;

		return new Nette\Security\Identity('admin', // ID
			array('admin'), // role
			array() // data accessible throught $identity->key

	private function usernameEquals($username)
		return $username === $this->adminCredentials['username'];

	private function passwordEquals($password)
		return $this->hashPassword($password) === $this->adminCredentials['password'];

	private function hashPassword($password)
		return sha1($password);

I got a little carried away … But the class should be obviouse, now usage:

You set this class as authenticator in config

		class: AdminAuthenticator
		arguments: ['%admin%']

Now you can authenticate your user

public function loginFormSubmitted (Form $form)
    try {

    } catch (Nette\Security\AuthenticationException $e) {
        $this->flashMessage('neplatné přihlašovací údaje', 'error');
Member | 331

voda wrote:

Maybe you are using Nette\Forms\Form instead of Nette\Application\UI\Form.

(facepalm) … ok, this was it :) thanks!

HosipLan wrote:

I'm making wth-arci-simple authentication :) I think I got it, but don't need this now ;) (checking of conf for credentials in presenter is there just for somebody, who will come to page after me).

Of course I have proper Authenticator class implementation with checking it again…

And BTW, I was looking for class AppForm %)

Last edited by wdolek (2011-10-19 22:13)