Displaying two fields in a row

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Member | 18

How do I display two fields in a row?

Ondřej Brejla
Member | 746

Have a look at examples/Forms/manual-rendering.php in the distribution pack.

Member | 18

Thanks for the reply. I have seen manual rendering example from distribution pack and I am now confused.
What is the best practice of rendering manual forms ?

Should the form be constructed and processed outside Nette framework or should be processed back in action class. I am having tough time understanding which section of code should go in action, component and template.

Please Help!!!

Jan Tvrdík
Nette guru | 2595

Normally, the form definition and the submit handler are in presenter (some programmers prefer to extend AppForm instead but that doesn't have to bother you).

use Nette\Application\AppForm as Form; // or Nette\Application\UI\Form in the latest night build

final class FooPresenter extends BasePresenter
	protected function createComponentLoginForm() // createComponent<componentName>($name)
		$form = new Form();
		$form->addText('login', 'Login');
		$form->addPassword('password', 'Password');
		$form->addSubmit('send', 'Sign in');
		$form->onSubmit[] = callback($this, 'loginFormSubmitted');
		return $form;

	public function loginFormSubmitted(Form $form)
		$values = $form->getValues();

		// ...

		$this->flashMessage('You have been successfully logged in.');
		$this->redirect('Homepage:'); // there should be always redirect after successful form sending

The most simple way to render a form is by using {control loginForm} in template. This can be customized by modifying $form->getRenderer()->wrappers but the level of customization is limited.

Complete manual rendering is also possible. The most comfortable way of doing it is by using FormMacros and there is no need to move the form definition outside of presenter. Just register the macros

abstract class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\Presenter

    public function templatePrepareFilters($template)
        $template->registerFilter($latte = new Nette\Templates\LatteFilter());


and use them in template.

Member | 18

Thank you for the reply. FormMacros was exactly what I was looking for.

Last edited by unagi2020 (2011-04-27 07:13)