- CyberGhost
- Member | 2
Hey there,
I quite like the way your documentation is written and from that I deduct that your code must be also given a lot of thought. Haven't seen it yet but I like what I saw in the documentation so far.
However, I have one simple question.
Is there any real usage of this framework in the world, or is it a totally new
framework that's not yet known to public?
I would be interested in knowing how good does this framework scale when used
in a real scenario.
Otherwise, great job!
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8229
Nette Framework is cca 4 years old and this year it was released as an open source. So there are real usages in the world. It is foremost known to public in Czech Republic (in czech language there is a better documentation and more active forum; I'd like to write english documentation in near future).
And I think it scales very well. Framework was benchmarked by our local reputable webzin and it shows to be one of fastest frameworks at all:
elapsed time in ms