Database\Table: Simple mapping

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 41

Every row Database\Table outputs is an ActiveRow created in Selection::createRow. Overloading createRow is complicated because that would require extending class Selection and it is hardcoded into SelectionFactory which is hardcoded into Nette extension of DI container builder.

I therefore propose that Nette would allow the following configuration:

    mapping: App\Entity\*

This mapping property would be injected into Selection. In createRow the * would be replaced with table name, it would be verified that class_exist and finally a new instance (object) of that class would be created and returned. If mapping was unset/null or class_exist would fail then it would fallback to ActiveRow (⇒ no BC break!).

Let me know what do you think.

(You may ask: Why use custom entities? Imagine object Product with properties Price and Vat. You want to get price with VAT at 20 places in the template. Simple Product::getPriceWithVat() would make it simple and prevent code repeating.)

Last edited by OndrejSlamecka (2013-08-30 19:17)

Nette Blogger | 1032

I believe composition is a much better approach here, as NDb is not an ORM. Something like:

class Product extends Nette\Object

	private $row;

	public function __construct(ActiveRow $row)
		$this->row = $row;

	public function getPriceWithVat()
		// e.g.
		return $this->row->price * (1 + $this->row->vat);

Member | 41

With the code you showed you would have to create an instance of that class on every result from Database\Table.

Member | 41

Proof of concept (mapping is simpler than described above just <tableName>: <className> array):…210d714dabe0 (entity class should be required to extend ActiveRow)

EDIT: A better implementation occured to me, which does not implement mapper but adds RowFactory (a service which anyone can replace with their own). PoC here:…4fb5f69220a8

Last edited by OndrejSlamecka (2014-09-20 10:42)