@secret annotation for objects storing passwords

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 94

It would be nice to support dumping of objects with secrets.
It is not just passwords ie. birth numbers, gov. id numbers etc.

class Connection {

	/** @secret */
	private $username;

	/** @secret */
	private $password;


dump(new Connection);
Connection #66dd
    username => ******
    password => SECRET

It would enable sharing error log dumps without modifying them. Also is not safe to store dumps with passwords on server.

Last edited by mishak (2014-04-18 17:44)

Honza Kuchař
Member | 1662

This looks like an interesting idea!

Filip Procházka
Moderator | 4668

Interesting idea, I just don't like the part where you have to modify the code to make those properties secret. It would have to be a configuration value of tracy/dumper.

Member | 535

I was just thinking recently about all the fun we've had with debug mode running on various production servers :-) and that Nette should mask db login credentials in dumps to protect those idiots.

I like this proposal however, it won't cover non-Nette libraries, for example Doctrine\DBAL\Connection. Shouldn't we be more aggressive and mask all attributes named password, pwd, passwd, …, username, user_name, userName, …? I know it will never catch everything but isn't at least something better than nothing?

David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

@petr.pavel something like this ? :)

Member | 404

podla mňa je to zbytočné – dump si vypisuje programátor a na ostrom servery je vypnutý. ak budem potrebovať vydumpovať @secret data, tak to nepojde a budem to musieť hackovať

Member | 535

@matej21: “authored on 11 Jun 2009” a yet this year I was able to read Nette Database login credentials from an error message on a production server with a debug mode on. So yes, something likes this but working :-)

Member | 1281

@petr.pavel that commit actually removes this functionality.