registering a latte helper

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 26

Hello There,

I think I have found an ideal problem which can be solved with a latte helper

i need to transform a value from this


to this

<img src="/images/status_1.png" alt="current status code: 1" />

My problem is that i don't know where in my app should i register this helper, and frankly how :)

I will need this helper in various places in my app, so i would like it to be quite global so i can call it on all the available latte files.

I tried this in my basePresenter

	protected function startup()
		// custom helper changes status to image
		$template->registerHelper('statusToImage', function ($code) {
		    return "<img src='/images/".$code.".png' alt='Status code: $code'/>";


but i end up with a Notice, Undefined variable: template

Jiří Nápravník
Member | 710

You should do it in createTemplate(). Look here

Member | 405

You probably forgot to write


And I prefer returnig Nette\Utils\Html over string, so you don't have to care about escaping or no escaping, example:


use Nette\Utils\Html;


// createTemplate() :

$this->template->registerHelper('statusToImage', function ($code) {
	$code = (int)$code;
	return Html::el('img', array(
		'src' => "/images/$code.png",
		'alt' => "Status code: $code",


Now you can easily use it:

Status: {$status|statusToImage}

And everything is properly escaped.

Member | 26

Thanks guys,

as you said, I read the documentation quite poorly :)