Creating URL with correct language using FilterRoute

Notice: This thread is very old.
Backer | 796


I'm having a trouble while trying to make the use of FilterRoute work…

In the database there is a table for pages. Each page has its unique ID and a unique pair of language and slug (URL).

I think the code will say more:


$pageFactory = callback($container, 'createPage');

$pageRoute = new FilterRoute("[<lang=cs cs|en|de>/][!<id=>]", 'Front:Homepage:default');

	function ($slug, Request $request) use ($pageFactory) {
		$page = $pageFactory()
			->where('lang', $request->parameters['lang'])
			->where('slug', $slug)

		if (!$page) return NULL;
		return $page->id;

	function ($id, Request $request) use ($pageFactory) {
		$page = $pageFactory()

		if (!$page) return NULL;
		return $page->slug;

What I'm trying to do here is to make the FilterRoute getting an ID from a lang & slug (which works correctly), but also create lang & slug from an ID – but I'm unable to do so, because the ‘out’ filter returns only one parameter…

Is there any way how to set language in the out filter?


EDIT: I'm sorry to forgot to mention that the slug might be empty, that's why there's the empty default value (<id=>) in the route mask.

Last edited by uestla (2012-04-16 05:26)

Backer | 796

Just an addition: It is possible for two page records in the database to have the same slug. The unique pair is relly lang + slug I think it should be also possible for the router to construct the URL just from the given ID of the page, because I'm able to find the lang & slug just by the page ID.