Login Backen/Frontend oddelene tabulky

Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
Člen | 24

potrebuji poradit jak vyresit dva loginy Backend/Frontend. Hledal jsem snad uz vsude, ale nikde nic aspon se domnivam, ze jsem nic nenasel.
resim to takto:


funguje to, ale potreboval bych, aby pro kazdy modul se uzivatele nacitaly z jine tabulky(user/klient). Vsem dekuji za informace a rady.

Člen | 3608

Udělej si 2 formuláře na přihlášení, 2 autentizátory (třída kterou se přihlašuješ). Neimplementuj IAuthenticator (nebo dej v konfiguráku autowired: false).
V každém formuláři si vyžádej ten svůj autentikátor a pomocí něj uživatele přihlaš.

class SignInFormFactory
	public function __construct(AuthenticatorFront $aF, AuthenticatorAdmin $aA, Security\User $user)
		$this->authenticatorFront = $aF;
		$this->authenticatorAdmin = $aA;
		$this->user = $user;

	public function createFrontForm()
		$form = new UI\Form;

		$form->onSuccess[] = function($form, array $values) {
			$identity = $this->authenticatorFront->authenticate($values->name, $values->password);
			$this->user->getStorage()->setNamespace('front'); // nastavím namespace
			$this->user->login($identity); // jen uložím přihlášenou identitu uživatele

		return $form;

	public function createAdminForm()
		// analogicky

potom v presenterech

class FrontSignPresenter extends UI\Presenter
	public function __contstruct(SignInFormFactory $sff)
		$this->signInFormFactory = $sff;

	protected function createComponentSignInForm()
		$form = $this->signInFormFactory->createFronForm();

		$form->onSuccess[] = function () {
			$this->flashMessage('Přihlášeno', 'success');

		return $form;

Editoval CZechBoY (1. 3. 2017 11:13)

Člen | 24

CZechBoY napsal(a):

Udělej si 2 formuláře na přihlášení, 2 autentizátory (třída kterou se přihlašuješ). Neimplementuj IAuthenticator (nebo dej v konfiguráku autowired: false).
V každém formuláři si vyžádej ten svůj autentikátor a pomocí něj uživatele přihlaš.

Ahoj predem dekuji za radu, vracim se k tomu az tedka.Implementoval jsem IAuthenticator radil jsi pokud pouziji IAuthenticator mam v configu pouzit autowired: false, ale i tak mi to stale hlasi chybu.

Chybova hlaska:
Service ‚security.user‘: Multiple services of type Nette\Security\IAuthenticator found: 62_App_Model_AdminAuthenticator, 63_App_Model_FrontAuthenticator


	- App\Model\AdminAuthenticator
	- App\Model\FrontAuthenticator
	autowired: false
	- App\Forms\FormFactory
	router: App\RouterFactory::createRouter

porad prosim te kde delam chybu predem dekuji

Člen | 648

To je len o syntaxi v .neon a tu mas predpokladam zle.

Skus nieco ako

- [
    class: App\Model\FrontAuthenticator
    autowired: false
- [
    class: App\Model\AdminAuthenticator
    autowired: false
Člen | 24

Dekuji, ale nerozjel jsem to podle toho. Tak jsem to udelal bez IAuthenticatoru, ale zase se objevila jina chyba. Loginy me plne funguji, ale pokud zadam neplatny user/heslo tak mi to vyhodi vyjimku do ladenky, ale nevykresli se do formu.Poradi jak to upravit?

public function authenticate($credentials)
	$row = $this->database->table(self::TABLE_NAME)->where(self::COLUMN_EMAIL, $credentials['username'])->fetch();

        if (!$row)
          **throw new \Exception('The username is incorrect.');**
	} elseif (!Passwords::verify($credentials['password'], $row[self::COLUMN_PASSWORD_HASH])) {
            throw new Nette\Security\AuthenticationException('The password is incorrect.', self::INVALID_CREDENTIAL);
	} elseif (Passwords::needsRehash($row[self::COLUMN_PASSWORD_HASH]))

                                self::COLUMN_PASSWORD_HASH => Passwords::hash($password),

                   throw new Nette\Security\AuthenticationException('Nepovoleny uživatel.', self::INVALID_CREDENTIAL);
            $arr = $row->toArray();
            return new Nette\Security\Identity($row[self::COLUMN_ID], $row[self::COLUMN_ROLE], $arr);
David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

@Turbo ahoj, vyjimku musis chytat, jako je to treba tady

Člen | 24

David Matějka napsal(a):

@Turbo ahoj, vyjimku musis chytat, jako je to treba tady

Ahoj proste nekde delam asi chybu… nejde mi odchytnout vyjimka nevim proc
prihlaseni je v pohode…


class LoginFormFactory extends Object implements ILoginFormFactory

	/** @var User */
	private $user;

	/** @var string */
	private $username;

	/** @var IBaseFormFactory */
	private $baseFormFactory;

        /** @var AdminAuthenticator */
        private $aA;

        /** @var AdminAuthenticator */
        private $fA;

	function __construct(User $user, \App\Model\AdminAuthenticator $aA,$username = 'username',IBaseFormFactory $baseFormFactory)
		$this->user = $user;
		$this->username = $username;
		$this->baseFormFactory = $baseFormFactory;
                $this->aA = $aA;

	public function create(callable $onSuccess)
		$form = $this->baseFormFactory->create();

		if ($this->username == 'email') {
			$form->addText('username', 'Email')
				->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Email')
				->setRequired('Please enter your email.')
				->addRule(Form::EMAIL, 'Please enter a valid email address.');
		} else {
			$form->addText('username', 'Username')
				->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Username')
				->setRequired('Please enter your username.');

		$form->addPassword('password', 'Password')
			->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Password')
			->setRequired('Please enter your password.');

		$form->addCheckbox('remember', 'Pamatovat si');
		$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Sign In');
		$form->onSuccess[] = function (Form $form, $values) use ($onSuccess){
                            $this->user->setExpiration($values->remeber ? '14 days' : '20 minutes');
                            $identity = $this->aA->authenticate($values);

                        } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                            $form->addError('chyba form: '.$ex);
                return $form;


class LoginControl extends Control

	/** @var array */
	public $onLoggedIn;

        /** @var array */
	public $onSuccess;

	/** @var string */
	private $templateFile;

	/** @var ILoginFormFactory */
	private $loginFormFactory;

	/** @var ILoaderFactory */
	private $loaderFactory;

	/** @var string */
	private $pageTitle;

	/** @var string */
	private $pageName;

	/** @var string */
	private $pageMsg;

	/** @var string */
	private $usernameIcon;

	/** @var string */
	private $passwordIcon;

	function __construct(ILoginFormFactory $loginFormFactory, ILoaderFactory $loaderFactory)
		$this->loginFormFactory = $loginFormFactory;
		$this->loaderFactory = $loaderFactory;
		$this->templateFile = __DIR__ . '/templates/LoginControl.latte';

	public function render(array $options = [])
		$this->template->pageTitle = $this->pageTitle;
		$this->template->pageName = $this->pageName;
		$this->template->pageMsg = $this->pageMsg;
		$this->template->usernameIcon = $this->usernameIcon;
		$this->template->passwordIcon = $this->passwordIcon;
		foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
			$this->template->$key = $value;

	protected function createTemplate($class = NULL)
		$template = parent::createTemplate($class);
		if (!array_key_exists('translate', $template->getLatte()->getFilters())) {
			$template->addFilter('translate', function($str){return $str;});
		return $template;

	protected function createComponentForm()
		$form = $this->loginFormFactory->create();
                    $form->onSuccess[] = function($form) {
                    $presenter = $form->getPresenter();

                }  catch (Nette\Security\AuthenticationException $ex)
		return $form;

	protected function createComponentCss()
		return $this->loaderFactory->createCssLoader();

	protected function createComponentJs()
		return $this->loaderFactory->createJavaScriptLoader();



provadim prihlaseni takto

public function authenticate($credentials)
	$row = $this->database->table(self::TABLE_NAME)->where(self::COLUMN_EMAIL, $credentials['username'])->fetch();

        if (!$row)
          throw new \Exception('The username is incorrect.');
	} elseif (!Passwords::verify($credentials['password'], $row[self::COLUMN_PASSWORD_HASH])) {
            throw new Exception('The password is incorrect.');
	} elseif (Passwords::needsRehash($row[self::COLUMN_PASSWORD_HASH]))

                                self::COLUMN_PASSWORD_HASH => Passwords::hash($password),

            $arr = $row->toArray();
            return new Nette\Security\Identity($row[self::COLUMN_ID], $row[self::COLUMN_ROLE], $arr);
