RegexpException #4 Malformed UTF-8 data
- MzK
- Člen | 127
Ladenka mi posila nejake error logy na webu.
Malformed UTF-8 data (pattern: #index\.php/?$#Aiu)
string(26) „text/windows+font+kurz\xc3/“
string(18) „#index\.php/?$#Aiu“
A stránka se samozřejmě nezobrazí → buď chyba 500 nebo bila stranka dle nastaveni.
- Mikulas Dite
- Člen | 756
Nelíbí se tomu \xc3
, ten string není prostě v pořádku.
Možná nekrátíš přes mb_ / iconv verze a zůstává ti tam část
původních znaků.
- MzK
- Člen | 127
Ještě přikládám log o chybě:
Call stack ▼
Nette/String.php (330) source ► String:: checkPreg (arguments ►)
string(18) "#index\.php/?$#Aiu"
Line 323: * @param int
Line 324: * @param int
Line 325: * @return mixed
Line 326: */
Line 327: public static function match($subject, $pattern, $flags = 0, $offset = 0)
Line 328: {
Line 329: $res = preg_match($pattern, $subject, $m, $flags, $offset);
Line 330: self::checkPreg($res, $pattern);
Line 331: if ($res) {
Line 332: return $m;
Line 333: }
Line 334: }
Line 335:
Line 336:
Line 337:
Routers/Route.php (151) source ► String:: match (arguments ►)
string(19) "hledej/mp3+ke+sta\xc5/"
string(18) "#index\.php/?$#Aiu"
Line 144: $path = $uri->getPath();
Line 145: }
Line 146:
Line 147: if ($path !== '') {
Line 148: $path = rtrim($path, '/') . '/';
Line 149: }
Line 150:
Line 151: if (!$matches = String::match($path, $this->re)) {
Line 152: // stop, not matched
Line 153: return NULL;
Line 154: }
Line 155:
Line 156: // deletes numeric keys, restore '-' chars
Line 157: $params = array();
Line 158: foreach ($matches as $k => $v) {
Routers/MultiRouter.php (46) source ► Route-> match (arguments ►)
object(HttpRequest) (9) ► {
"query" protected => array(0)
"post" protected => array(0)
"files" protected => array(0)
"cookies" protected => array(0)
"uri" protected => object(UriScript) (10) ► {
"scriptPath" private => string(1) "/"
"scheme" private => string(4) "http"
"user" private => string(0) ""
"pass" private => string(0) ""
"port" private => int(80)
"path" private => string(19) "/hledej/mp3+ke+sta\xc5"
"query" private => string(0) ""
"fragment" private => string(0) ""
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
"originalUri" protected => object(Uri) (9) ► {
"scheme" private => string(4) "http"
"user" private => string(0) ""
"pass" private => string(0) ""
"port" private => int(80)
"path" private => string(21) "/hledej/mp3+ke+sta%C5"
"query" private => string(0) ""
"fragment" private => string(0) ""
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
"headers" protected => array(5) ▼ {
"user-agent" => string(92) "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,"
"accept" => string(3) "*/*"
"accept-encoding" => string(4) "gzip"
"accept-charset" => string(36) "utf-8;q=0.7,iso-8859-1;q=0.2,*;q=0.1"
"uriFilter" protected => array(2) ▼ {
5 => array(1) ▼ {
"#/{2,}#" => string(1) "/"
0 => array(0)
"encoding" protected => string(5) "UTF-8"
Line 39: * Maps HTTP request to a PresenterRequest object.
Line 40: * @param IHttpRequest
Line 41: * @return PresenterRequest|NULL
Line 42: */
Line 43: public function match(IHttpRequest $httpRequest)
Line 44: {
Line 45: foreach ($this->routes as $route) {
Line 46: $appRequest = $route->match($httpRequest);
Line 47: if ($appRequest !== NULL) {
Line 48: return $appRequest;
Line 49: }
Line 50: }
Line 51: return NULL;
Line 52: }
Line 53:
Application/Application.php (122) source ► MultiRouter-> match (arguments ►)
object(HttpRequest) (9) ► {
"query" protected => array(0)
"post" protected => array(0)
"files" protected => array(0)
"cookies" protected => array(0)
"uri" protected => object(UriScript) (10) ► {
"scriptPath" private => string(1) "/"
"scheme" private => string(4) "http"
"user" private => string(0) ""
"pass" private => string(0) ""
"port" private => int(80)
"path" private => string(19) "/hledej/mp3+ke+sta\xc5"
"query" private => string(0) ""
"fragment" private => string(0) ""
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
"originalUri" protected => object(Uri) (9) ► {
"scheme" private => string(4) "http"
"user" private => string(0) ""
"pass" private => string(0) ""
"port" private => int(80)
"path" private => string(21) "/hledej/mp3+ke+sta%C5"
"query" private => string(0) ""
"fragment" private => string(0) ""
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
"headers" protected => array(5) ▼ {
"user-agent" => string(92) "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,"
"accept" => string(3) "*/*"
"accept-encoding" => string(4) "gzip"
"accept-charset" => string(36) "utf-8;q=0.7,iso-8859-1;q=0.2,*;q=0.1"
"uriFilter" protected => array(2) ▼ {
5 => array(1) ▼ {
"#/{2,}#" => string(1) "/"
0 => array(0)
"encoding" protected => string(5) "UTF-8"
Line 115: $router[] = new SimpleRouter(array(
Line 116: 'presenter' => 'Default',
Line 117: 'action' => 'default',
Line 118: ));
Line 119: }
Line 120:
Line 121: // routing
Line 122: $request = $router->match($httpRequest);
Line 123: if (!($request instanceof PresenterRequest)) {
Line 124: $request = NULL;
Line 125: throw new BadRequestException('No route for HTTP request.');
Line 126: }
Line 127:
Line 128: if (strcasecmp($request->getPresenterName(), $this->errorPresenter) === 0) {
Line 129: throw new BadRequestException('Invalid request.');
app/bootstrap.php (108) source ► Application-> run ()
Line 101: Form::FILLED => "Pole '%label' musí být vyplněné.",
Line 102: Form::RANGE => "Pole '%label' musí být v rozsahu od %d do %d",
Line 103: Form::EMAIL => "Pole '%label' musí být validní email",
Line 104: Form::URL => "Pole '%label' musí být validní URL",
Line 105: );
Line 106: $application->errorPresenter = "Error";
Line 107:
Line 108: $application->run();
Line 109: ?>
blog/index.php (48) source ► require (arguments ►)
Z toho jsem vyčetl, že nějaký
zkouší paznaky v URL a tím pádem vyvolává chybu.
- Mikulas Dite
- Člen | 756
Jak sem říkal, jakékoli úpravy dělej přes mb_/iconv verze (potažmo Nette/String). Ničím jiným to být nemůže, někde se ten string prostě upravuje.
Edit: Nette speciální znaky v url zvládá, třeba ☖
radši sem si to teď ověřil.
Editoval Mikulas Dite (8. 7. 2010 20:09)
- MzK
- Člen | 127
Ale já žádné úpravy v aplikaci toho stringu nedělám. To dělá
framework sám viz trasování chyby:
bootstrap.php (122) source ► Application→ run ()
Application/Application.php (122) source ► MultiRouter→ match (arguments
Routers/MultiRouter.php (46) source ► Route→ match (arguments ►)
Routers/Route.php (151) source ► String:: match (arguments ►)
Nette/String.php (330) source ► String:: checkPreg (arguments ►)
No nic, jdu debugovat a zkoumat